My son, Owen, is 12 weeks old and we've just made the decision to cloth diaper! I'm really excited about it, and happy that I was able to get my husband on board.
I have a couple of questions (and forgive me, I'm sure you all answer these a billion times a day):
What kind of pre-folds would you recommend? (I've already ordered covers, but haven't committed to pre-folds yet)
Does anyone know where I can find patterns to sew diaper covers?
Thank you, and I look forward to hanging out with you all!
Re: Can I join you ladies?
Welcome! I started @ 4 weeks and LOVE it. I used green mountain diaper prefolds but no longer use prefolds now that I have a squirmy worm!
Are you wanting to sew PUL covers or just a fleece soaker? I know there is a free fleece soaker & longies pattern a lot of people use, but I'd have to dig it up. You can probably just good that.
DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs; cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama
I would probably do PUL covers to start. I feel like they'd be easier to clean. I've been trying to find a good youtube how-to video on how to make the patterns, but I'm not having a lot of luck.
I have been using the prefolds from, I like them. Haven't tried any others though. I still need to order more to increase my stash from the trial kit I ordered from them. I also might jump on the fitted band wagon since they are so cute and would be a good option for us!
Hi, welcome! I'd purchase at least one good quality PUL cover, like a Thirsties Duo or something similar, so that way you can be sure it's not your sewing (which I'm sure is great!) if you run into leakage problems.
Green Mountain Diapers are very good prefolds, and Little Lions (I always buy their seconds, can't tell the difference!) are pretty good and inexpensive.
Also, check out the FAQ at the top!
Good luck and congrats!