i heard that a lot of people do this - cheapest and easiest - but it's not working for me! i don't know what i could be doing wrong - fold it length ways and stick it in the diaper cover! the prefold comes way over both the front and back of the thirsties duo wrap, doesn't hold poop and often times doesn't hold the pee either. so i'm changing my dd a million times a day because of all this. i know cloth diapering is not always convenient, but this just seems crazy! any advice would be appreciated! tia!
Re: does anyone just use prefolds and diaper cover?
Wedding/Honeymoon Pictures
I do! Try folding down one end of the diaper so it will fit in the cover if you want to stick with trifolding. But if you're having major leaks, you may want to try another fold.
I do the angle wing fold with a snappi. Here is a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt52Gs8YmUw
There are a few other decent folds...just google "prefold folds".
I have no IRL experience yet, but I'm going to try to use mostly PF and covers.
I have heard that only certain brands of prefolds are cut "smaller" or "cut to size" to fit neatly inside the diaper covers. I bought some prefolds from Green Mountain Diaper because they are "sized" to fit diaper covers without excess length. There are 2-3 other brands I have heard of that also offer "smaller sized" prefolds.
I have no idea if changing the size of the prefold to one that fits within the cover would help or not... my babies have not arrived yet so I have no hands on experience. So take this response with a grain of salt and hopefully someone with experience will be able to respond.
All of the prefold has to be ENTIRELY inside the cover with no gaps for it to work, otherwise it will wick, as it is clearly doing now.
Also, trifolding generally only works until they get mobile. You need a snappi.
DS1: 10/2005 DS2: 01/2007 DS3: 09/2010
thank you for the youtube video! will try that when she wakes up :-)
the pic of your baby is so cute btw!
well i had just been using my gro baby/gor via system and disposables when they were all in the wash or if we were out of town.. However, I decdided that was pointless because I really really hate sposies.. Everytime I have Lillian in one she blows out.. and I mean ya I deal with poop everyday but up her entire back and a new outfit is just ridiculous.
so.. i went and got some indian prefolds in her size and a few sweet pea covers. I googled different ways to fold them. You would be amazed at how many different ways their are and have videos on youtube for them! So i just started practicing... and now I love them... maybe even more then my Gro baby..... I use the bikini twist with my LO with a snappi.... and I have yet to have a blow out. success! good luck to you mama!
i had no idea different folds would make a difference! i'm anxious to try them out! i guess i thought the trifold was the best because you have the layers in the right area instead of spreading it out to snappi it? thank you guys!!!
we use prefolds and covers exclusive;y and get no leaks. sometimes his ebf poop will get on the cover, but never leaks out of that. as everyone has said - the whole prefold has to be inside the cover. we use different folds - as in my husband and i both start with the tri fold and prefer to do a different modification. even though he and i prefer something different - neither of us have leaks, so you might want to play around to find the fold that is easiest for you.
sorry about no caps - typing one handed cause baby fell asleep on other arm
This. That yellow poop is way too runny for us not to snappi.
You're welcome & thanks!
Good luck!