Has anyone heard this name before? My husband suggested it, for a girl - he heard it in a Duran Duran song
I looked it up on behindthename.com and it has meaning in Japanese. My husband has traveled in Japan and loves the country, so now he likes the name even more. I usually love traditional names, but for some reason, I like this one, especially for a middle name. I like a middle name with a story behind it...
Re: Rio
I really dislike that for a girl. I don't think it would make a great name but I was thinking boy when I read the title. My first thought was Rio Grande.
Yeah, it means river too...
It is different, I know...I guess that is why I am thinking middle name territory. Plus our last name starts with R and ends with O...so I really dont think I could use it as a first name.
Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
<a href="http://s21.photobucket.com/albums/b268/gussiebutt/?action=view
All I can think of is "Jem & the Holograms", the 80's cartoon. Her boyfriend was named Rio, had purple hair and was really stupid. I mean, the guy didn't realize that Jem and Jerrica were the SAME PERSON! Hahaha. I really watch too much TV...
Also, it means river in Spanish. So, to me, it's a no go. I really don't like it.
The Duran Duran song is just playing in my head. "Her name is Rio and she dances in the sand"..."dance across the rio grande"
No way.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!
I think it's outrageous, truly truly outrageous.
my read shelf:
I heart you so hard right now. *Runs off to watch Jem on youtube*
Cole Joseph 7/05/07
Nora Anne 11/03/12
9lbs, 6oz
I always think of Rio de Janeiro and the Rio hotel chain.
makes a great middle name or nickname.
My biology professor was Japanese and had a baby named Yoshi. (don't remember if it was a boy or girl.) We used to hum the super mario theme whenever he'd bring the baby in.
This is what I am thinking.
Thanks for the replies ladies. Weird one, I know. I am not pg, so I have plenty of time to think about it
I've been singing the Duran Duran song ever since I saw your post title...hadn't even read the post yet.
I'd say it's fine for a mn, but with your ln, I'm not sure I'd use it.