My SIL just emailed me announcing the name they've chosen for their daughter (due in June). It's Sofronia Elise (totally totally weird FN) daughter (who's 1) is named Sophie Elise. Anyone else notice a teeny bit of a similarity???
I'm not sure how to reply to my SIL! I don't understand why they'd want to chose a name that's soooooo close to my daughter's! And are they really going to call her Sofronia? It seems like that name is just screaming for the nn "Sophie". I really want to call my SIL and ask if she's thought about the similarities but I'm not really close to her and feel like it might be kinda awkward. I'm really hoping that they'll change their minds before the baby is born...I'd love it if anyone has suggestions on how to subtly ask my SIL what they're thinking!!!
Re: What to do?
I don't think you can say anything.
FWIW, its obvious the similarities between the two names. Everyone in your family will notice. So maybe someone else will mention it...
I am sorry. This really stinks.
maybe mention it to your husband and see what he says?
other than that, its her baby, her choice so I wouldnt make an issue out of it
That poor kid.
Sucks OP, but at least your kid was named first.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!
I love the name Sophronia/Sofronia! Not something I see a lot outside of 19th-century books.
I don't think you should say anything since your SIL and her SO obviously don't care whether you are offended. They didn't forget your child's name ? they just don't care if the names are similar. You say you are not close, so why should they care what name you chose?
"No one owns a name" goes both ways. They can name their child whatever they like. Perhaps the name is SIL's SO's grandmother's name or the name SIL has loved forever. If you do say anything, it should be something along the lines of, "Oh, is that a family name?"
Just don't be mad. I doubt they thought about you much at all, but you can still take it as a compliment on your taste.
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This is a name on my family but its spelled Saphronia (Saffron or Roni for short)
Don't freak out, It's a compliment to your DD's name. other people will notice. I'd just shyly agree when they notice the similarity.
Let's pray they go with Sofronia and not Saffron!! I agree with pp's not to say anything.
I totally see your need to vent here... I would be miffed too. It's just weird to pick a name so close but as you said, you rarely interact so after a year or two, you may realize it's not so bad (it would be different if the kids were playing together all the time, ya know?).