I haven't been on in quite awhile, but felt I should warn other CD mamas that my recent experience with Cotton Babies has been awful! I am on my phone so for now will just leave the shorter version and sorry for errors: I needed a new wet bag for our vacation so on Feb 27 I found the one I wanted available for shipping that day from Amazon and Cotton Babies. I decided to go with Cotton Babies and order some diapers as well...and planned to place a second order that week for hundreds of dollars once I checked what we needed for baby 2. I am glad I didn't place that order. Our order was suppose to ship immediately. Over a week later I got a voicemail that they did not have that print in stock anymore which really POd me but I agreed to the another print they had in stock as I couldnt wait for thrm to re-stock it. Well, 3 weeks later we still haven't received it and called yesterday to find out what was going on as they had promised it would be shipped immediately...couldn't get a person so left a message. Get an email this morning that our order was shipped but when we checked the tracking the items don't match our order and the shipping number doesn't show any status. After several more attempts to reach them, they say they are now out of that bag in all styles and had no answer for why it wasn't shipped when the original order was placed, when we agreed to the second print that could be immediately shipped, or why they didn't contact us to come up with a solution (when we could have still gotten it from another source or something, now it's too late)...i now leave 4 am thursday minus the item I ordered over a month in advance and they have no idea wen they can ship it. I thought my prior experience with them was okay but things have evidently changed since then...they have contradicted themselves, showed delayed order shipment, been unhelpful and not apologized at all. Just wanted to shar so if anyone else needs something specific even a month or more out, you may want to go with another company.
Re: Cotton Babies horrible experience
That's awful. I got an order from them today, and it was a longer wait than I expected (ordered on the 19th). Also, I ordered 2 small wet bags and they were sold out of one of the prints so they called me and I picked another. Other than that everything was okay, but I had heard great things about them and expected better.
Did you try entering the tracking item with UPS or USPS? I had originally checked USPS but they sent it UPS.
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I?m sorry you?ve had such a rough time. Shipping is one major reason why online shopping is my last resort.
I?ve had nothing but great service from cotton babies, including quickly exchanging a defective diaper that we didn?t realize was defective until after washing.
I love Cotton Babies. I've seen some posts on here about negative experiences with the company, but haven't had any trouble with them myself. I did have them contact me saying that a bib was no longer available in the pattern that I'd ordered, but I just had them cancel the order and it was no big deal.
I figure that it's worth waiting a little longer for items to ship (although I haven't had to yet) to have free shipping on every order.
BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
That stinks... I've had nothing but great experiences with them, and particularly their customer service. I recently contacted them because they sent me "last chance" BG 2.0's instead of last chance 3.0's. They are replacing them ($2 diapers!) with 3.0's, no hassle at all. They replaced a Flip cover that I'd bought used (i.e. no warranty) with no hassle when the PUL cracked, and replaced an aplix BG Elemental with a brand-new snap version when the aplix got just a teeny bit fuzzy.
So weird that CS experiences with them seem to be totally awesome or ridiculously awful.
Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)
I also had awful CS from them about one of my orders from their seconds sale. They were being sneaky and deceptive and I will never order from them or their products again because of it.