
cranial tech moms (lurker post)

Hope it's okay I posted here.

Did you all get your numbers (as far as ratios) when you were done of what normal should be compared to where your LO's head was?


Our miracle IVF baby - D 6/09 & J - Surprise! born 9/10!!!

Re: cranial tech moms (lurker post)

  • We never got numbers.  They gave us a number of months they thought it would take but never ratios.  J has a very severe case so we are on 10 months with about 2 to go. 

     For PT, they told us he was at 30% off center when he started and now is down to 5% thanks to the band and PT.

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  • I had an evaluation at cranial tech and at starband.  I guess the specific numbers were in the paperwork they sent me home with but I really didn't pay much attention to that and the orthotists didn't focus on it either.

    One of my babies head is wider than it it deep from the top and it should be the other way around.  The other has a 2cm difference from one crosssection to the other.  With those results I didn't feel the need to compare specific number to the norm.

    And of course it's okay that you post here!  All moms welcome!

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  • Thanks for the responses and VERY cute babies!!
    Our miracle IVF baby - D 6/09 & J - Surprise! born 9/10!!!
  • My boys have a starband and I didn't get the ratios. I think I got them at their therapy session. They've been in them full-time for about two weeks and I'm seeing great results. I just need to start getting them back on them before their first nap so they can wear them the 23 hours a day instead of 21!



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  • Yes, I did, but I asked for them.  They don't routinely provide them to parents, but certainly will when asked.
    DS 12/09, Twins EDD 11/11
  • I got them in the insurance paper work they sent me


  • imageAggieGrl:
    Yes, I did, but I asked for them.  They don't routinely provide them to parents, but certainly will when asked.


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