Baby Showers


It is shaping up that there will be four showers thrown for me (plus two at work).  What a blessing with twins!

All hosts are asking me "When?"  I've been told to give them dates and guest lists and they'll take care of the rest.  Fair enough.

 But when?  I don't even begin to know how to answer that.  It's twins - and I've read that showers should be done earlier...but I don't really know what earlier means.  One shower will be four hours car ride from home.  So, that one needs to be before my travel limitation kicks in...which is when?

Any ideas?

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Re: When?

  • So you're talking about a total of 6 showers? Personally, I'd try and combine a couple of those, you're looking at a lot of stress down the line.  

    With twins and travelling, I'd say def no later than 30 weeks.   

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Little Man (4 years old---holy cow)
    He's the single greatest thing I've done in my life and reminds me daily of how fun (and funny) life can be.  He's turned out pretty swell for having such a heartless and evil mother.  
  • I'd say 28-32 weeks.
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  • I'm having twins as well, and the general advice I get is to have all of your showers finished by the 30 week mark. Bed rest is most common after 32 weeks, so this should still give you at least 2 weeks to get things organized/returned/etc. before you have to take it easy!

    I agree with giving each group of hostesses a separate date rather than a list to choose from so you don't have to deal with rearranging schedules if they pick the same date(s). Also, you will probably want to do the shower 4 hrs away first when you're most likely to feel good and have fewer complications!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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