
issue with poly vi sol w/iron

Occasionally DD will spit some out or her drool/spit up  will come out darker from it and get on her clothes or burp rags. THEN, when I wash her clothes, I will find random black spots on OTHER clothes...ughhh so frustrating!!! I hate this stuff. Anyone else having problems like this? It's ruining all of DDs cute clothes :(
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Re: issue with poly vi sol w/iron

  • Do you give it straight or mix it with BM/formula? We had issues with staining until DD started drinking WCM and I'm not sure if the issue was the vitamins or the formula. Unfortunatley, there's only so much you can do :( Try to put the some Spray and Wash or whatever on the spots ASAP and leave them until you do laundry. I've actually heard of people keeping a bottle near the baby's hamper, which makes sense to me!
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  • Had the same issue.  DD now takes about 8oz a feeding.  So what we do is only give her vitamins 1 time a day versus splitting it into 2 times (same amount just all at once), then I take an 8oz bottle and split it in half so I mix the vitamins with 4 ozs of formula.  Then finish with the 4ozs (if she takes it all) of plain formula.  Also I noticed when we were in the NICU they gave her RX brand of vitamins, the Enfamil brand, a little more expensive, is not as dark or smelly.  She still spits up but it doesn't seem as bad this way and haven't really stained anything since starting to do this.
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  • Thanks ladies! DD is BFed but starting to drink out of a cup so maybe I'll mix it to prevent so much staining. I also like the idea of keeping the spray and wash next to the hamper!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Follow Me on Pinterest blog:
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