Cloth Diapering

Stains question

Sorry if this is a dumb question, I know that drying diapers in the sun will help with stains but it's still in the 30s and 40s here so I can't really put a diaper out in the back yard to dry right now and I don't get good sunlight directly in any of my windows. Is there anything else I can do? The diaper in question is a Grovia organic cotton soaker pad, I'm not sure if the type of material would make any difference or not.

Re: Stains question

  • You can try vinegar or baking soda in the wash.

    Or you can just accept that stains happen and no one will see them.

  • JDOJDO member

    You can try vinegar or baking soda in the wash.

    Or you can just accept that stains happen and no one will see them.

    Thanks! It's a diaper from the Jillians Drawers trial and I don't think I want to keep this one, the pad seems to bunch up even though it's snapped in, and it leaked out the leg when W pooped. I know they accept stained ones back, but I just feel better returning it in the best condition possible.  

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  • I have had good luck with soaking in Oxy Clean. Also, many people sun them in front of a window. Good luck!
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