
baby mum mum's - ?

has anyone given these to their babies? 

if you did when did you start? did they like them when teething?


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Re: baby mum mum's - ?

  • I just started my Lo's on them recently ( at a year old), every time I tried when they were younger (6+mth ) they would gag on them ( size and the firmness of the cracker)

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  • Yes.  5 months.  Didn't really like them for teething.  More like a snack.

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  • ok, thanks! I wasn't sure if it might be too early but I ordered some and will give them a try. 
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  • We did mum mums right around 7 months. They loved them. They were great because at the time they had a hard time getting puffs into their mouths. These were easier for them to eat.
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  • Much prefer the mum mums over puffs, they can hold onto them and munch and they melt in their mouth much better than the puffs.
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  • My guys love them but they aren't good for teething. They just melt and make a gooey mess.
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  • I started them on those at 6 months- like PP said, too soft for teething, but they love holding on to their food so they liked them for snacks.
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