I'm in awe. Just read about your c/s with no anesthesia... how in the world did that happen? If you are comfortable, would you share? How on earth did you get through something like that? I'm so sorry you had to go through that ordeal!
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Miracle DD born 12.2005
TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
***P/SAIF Always Welcome***
Keep it Natural, Baby!
Re: teresadrew17...
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Miracle DD born 12.2005
TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
***P/SAIF Always Welcome***
Keep it Natural, Baby!
Yikes, yes you are a tough one. I had a brutal labor with an emergency C/S end, but it was nothing like yours...my kiddo waited until the epi kicked in before his HR went down to 60 and they were able to get it up to 90 with me in a lovely crazy pose, so I didn't feel anything, and didn't have to go under general at all. Your story is amazing!
TTC #2 since Nov '07
Tried 4 cycles of Clomid, TI, Gonal-f, and IUI's - all BFFN's
Both tubes removed Nov '09
Low AMH = 0.3
IVF #1 for Feb '10 - cancelled due to poor response - Gonal-f and Repronex
IVF #1.2 for June '10 - Gonal-f, Menopur, and micro Lupron
ER - 6/19 (2 retrieved), ET - 6/22 (1 transferred with ICSI), Beta 7/5 = BFFN
IVF #2 for Nov '10 was cancelled due to poor response - Follistim, Repronex, and micro Lupron
IVF #2.2 for Feb '11 - Gonal-f, Repronex, and Ganirelix
ER - 2/24 (8 retrieved), ET - 3/1 (2 transferred with ICSI), froze 3, Beta 3/11 = BFFN
FET - 4/19 (3 transferred), Beta 4/28 = BFP, EDD 1/4/12
I really appreciate everyone's compliments, but honestly this was exactly it! The surgery was only about 5 mins as PP said (it took about 5 mins to get me from the delivery room to the ER). I'm pretty sure going through SIF makes us all superwomen (or at least some of the most dedicated, passionate, and persevering women there are)! And just like I'm sure you all feel with your children, my DS was totally worth it!