
Can you please tell me what to expect of my new 34 weeker?

Hi ladies - Our new little guy just showed up yesterday at 34 weeks and a couple days. Although our first son was also early - at 35 weeks, 6 days - we did avoid nicu with him. So, I'm not really sure what to expect from nicu, or from our new baby. Any insight would be so very appreciated. TIA, Lori

Re: Can you please tell me what to expect of my new 34 weeker?

  • Every baby is so different, but I can tell you what happened with MY LO.  He was 34 weeks/ 1 day.  He was in the NICU for almost 3 weeks.  Most of his issues were feeding.  He just wasn't eating enough for them.  Turned out that he just didn't like their schedule.  He was 5lbs 7onz when he was born, so he wasn't really small, so he now looks like a regular 3 1/2 month old, but he still acts like a 2 month old.  He went a few weeks that he was just in limbo, he never moved forward with milestones.  He was just eating an sleeping, an that was it.  But this is just the big picture.  Every day with a preemie is an adventure.  I have 2 other children, and I found myself second guessing every move I made with him while he was still in his gestational stage.  Good luck to you with your LO.  I hope that his NICU stay is smooth, and you have a healthy happy baby.
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    To be loved, and to be in love
  • DD was born at 34 weeks 3 days. She had jaundice and was in the NICU 6 days. She did not have any of the feeding or breathing issues that many preemies have. She went home on an apnea monitor and will be on it at least until her due date. NICU is a grind, in my opinion. We did not have the option of staying overnight so leaving DD each night was hard. We were there all day every day until they let us take her home. I don't know if you can do that with another LO at home but we wanted to bond as much as possible which is more challenging in the NICU. I hope your little guy has an uneventful stay and gets to come home soon.
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  • First, have someone get you the book Preemies: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies. We got this the day DS was born from my aunt and uncle and I still reference it to this day.

    Then try to make sure you are there in the morning when they do rounds. Keep in mind things change from day to day. One minute DS was doing fine and the next day they would tell us that he would have a procedure done to "rule out" something else.

    If you plan on BF-pump, pump, pump. Then attempt to BF when they allow it. DS had to stay for 2 weeks and had a multitude of tests done, daily blood draws, wound up with jaundice and had the billie lights and the billie blanket.

    Try to relax and become knowledgable about what they tell you. Get the book-it is well worth it and describes a lot of situations that preemies will face not just after birth but growing up too.

    Good luck! Will keep you in my thoughts.

  • DS was 34w3d.  He was home after a week.  He never had any issues.  He passed all the NICU test as they gave them to him.  Was eating at 2 days and nursing at 4 days.  He did have a little juanice - they put him under lights - lasted maybe a day.  He was a little behind in some of his milestones - he took forever to smile.  Mostly they he was just at the low end of normal - though for some he was at the high end.  He does have a speech delay now at 2 but that may or may not have to do with being a preemie.


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  • It really just depends on the baby.  DS was in the hospital for just over 4 weeks since he would event (brady/desat) every day or so for a LONG time.  Our NICU did not send babies home on apnea monitors until well after their due date.  He's behind on his gross motor milestones, but on track on speech. 
  • Congratulations on the birth of your son!  My son was born at 33 weeks and 3 days.  He weighed 5 lbs, 4 ozs.  He stayed in the NICU for 11 days and his only issue was jaundice.  So far, he has met all his milestones within a normal range.  As far as what to expect from the NICU...rely on the nurses for information/support, etc.  My NICU nurses were amazing.  Obviously you have another son at home, so you can't be at the NICU as much as you might like.  However, try to be there during a time when you are allowed to feed him, hold him, etc. Also, bring things from home to personalize your son's isolette (ex. pictures).   

    Good luck!


  • My son was born at 35w2d. He was born at 5lb0.8oz and dropped to 4lb4oz (probably due to all the fluids I was given during labor). He didn't end up in the NICU but we had a few issues that they monitored closely in the beginning (daily hospital visits for the first week).

    He had mild jaundice and some temperature regulation issues. If your LO has any issues with temperature regulation, try to get some skin on skin time with them if possible - it really does help. Feeding was tough in the beginning because he was very sleepy due to the jaundice. I eventually needed a nipple shield to be able to BF and the pumping/feeding schedule was hard the first couple weeks to get my milk in and get him to nurse (BF, pump, feed expressed milk at every feeding).

    Right now, he is a little behind on some of his milestones which they are watching but is generally doing pretty good. Good luck.

  • First off Congrats on your little one!!!  I had a 34 weeker on Januray 27.  I was induced due to severe IUGR so my DD was a LOT smaller then most 34 weekers at 2lbs 12ozs.  That being said she didn't have any issues breathing or feeding, she was in the NICU for 1 week and then the Special Care Nursery for 2 weeks as a feeder grower.  She just needed to get big enough to fit into a car seat!!  I loved my NICU stay - well as much as you can.  The nurses where great and very supportive.  At my NICU they were very pro BFing, which was fine for me, but might be a little overwhelming for someone who chooses not to BF.  Even though my girl wasn't very sick we still had good days and bad days - but just took one day and one milestone at a time.  If I tried to think too far ahead I just got overwhelmed.  Enjoy your little man!


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