We are leaving DS with my in laws while we go to my cousin's wedding which is out of town. He'll be with them for 4 days. I need to check with my MIL that she is okay using the cloth for that time, but will offer sposies if she really wants them (crossing fingers thats not the case - but she hasn't had to deal with solid poo yet, so we'll see). Anyway, I'd prefer to have her NOT wash them because I'm more nervous about my entire stash getting ruined some how.
Do you think it'll be too stinky/ insanely gross to go almost 4 full days (I can wash the evening we get back on the 4th day). I'd rather have her use the cloth (maybe I'll pick up an extra 2 or 3 to be positive we have enough)..but my concern is how to contain the stink (we only have 1 large zipper wet bag and we typically use the pail/liner system at home). Maybe I can take the pail/liner system up to her house?
I'm sorry so long and rather silly but I'm really hoping to avoid spending $20 on disposibles when I could get a new diaper for that price
Re: 4 days..what would you do?
Hmmm I'd probably just buy disposables. Knowing my mom or mother-in-law they would wash the diapers thinking they were helping. Then I'd be mad when they were just trying to be nice. Or I'd worry all weekend that that would be washing them and ruining them. It would be a headache.
Plus, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but whenever my parents or in-laws watch LO even just for a few hours I always feel like they are doing me a HUGE favor (which they are) so I wouldn't want to burden them with doing cloth for an extended period of time. They have so far every time they've watched him because its only been for date nights but if they were watching him an entire weekend I would for sure bring disposables even though I HATE them. I even bring cloth on vacation with us.