Got our names picked out early this time around, last time it was 8 mos before my DH even picked up the book, then he found one we liked right away! DD is Sydney the ones we are really fond of are (we are team green), oh and be gentle if you don't like them .......
Savannah Rae for a girl
Zane Emery for a boy (Emery is DH's mn, and his grandpas)
I know Zane is not popular around here, I don't know a single one, but we like it and I have only heard of 1 more Savannah around here and she has to be about 5 by now. Pretty excited we are done really looking, of course we will still dabble a bit to make sure they are the ones
Re: Names Done
All the names are great! Congratulations on being done. I can't get my husband to really talk about it yet. Ugh! But, of course, my list is ready when he is!
Tizzle 10/07 ~ Boppy 7/09 ~ Chicken 1/12
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Currently reading: The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon
Currently listening to: The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
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I love the name Emery (but spelled Emory). I think your boy's name flows better the other way around Emery Zane.
The girl's name has great flow. Savannah is pretty.
Thanks for the comments everyone!! My DH's mn is spelled Emery with the "e", and I have only seen the spelling Emory when used for a little girls name. I sure may have missed it somewhere though. My DH also doesn't want to name him Emery, says it is just weird to him.....also he likes the initials ZEB...our last name obviously starts with a "B"....must just be something he is fond of.
Also has anyone ever heard of any nn for Savannah?? Just curious, because we believe a nn comes with the we will wait and see for our LO if it is a girl. Fill me in though.....
i only know two savannahs and neither have a nn that i know of. i agree also that nn come with the personality, so if it's a girl it'll prolly be a random nn after you meet her.
i LOVE both your girl AND boy names. we are naming our little boy Zane Bennett--so of course i approve ; )