Top runners.
Middle name Kathleen. Last name sounds like Hennessey.
I am Italian/husband is Irish.
Siblings: Lachlan Everett and Vito David
Willa Kathleen Hennessey
Bianca Kathleen Hennessey
Ivy Kathleen Hennessey
Fiona Kathleen Hennessey
Rose Kathleen Hennessey
Re: Willa, Bianca, Ivy, Fiona, Rose
BFP 3/28/16 (EDD 12/9/16) * Chemical pregnancy
ME: 40 yrs.old
DH: 41 yrs.old
DD: 5 yrs.
Wow! I love them all. :-)
If I had to pick my favorites, they would be Willa, Ivy and Fiona.
This. All three are on my long list. I actually might get rid of Fiona (even though I love it) since it would really make Vito the odd man out.
Lost Lilah (Audra's twin) at 26 weeks. Cause unknown. Forever in our hearts
Fiona Kathleen Hennessey
*Love* Bianca and Fiona. Rose and Willa are beautiful. Ivy is nice but my least favorite of the group.
Edited: Just occurred to me that Willa Kathleen is strikingly similar to American author Willa Cather ("My Antonia" etc). That wouldn't necessarily nix the name for me, but just be aware of the association!
Bianca or Willa.
Little Man Z - 2011
Baby Girl E - 2013
I love Fiona the most, followed by Rose.
Tizzle 10/07 ~ Boppy 7/09 ~ Chicken 1/12
Books read in 2013: ~ Audiobooks listened to in 2013: 3
Currently reading: The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon
Currently listening to: The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
my currently-reading shelf:
Love Fiona (that's my daughter's mn) and Willa.
I really really like Bianca.
Rose and Ivy are nice, but I don't like them as well as the other choices.
Overall, though, you really can't go wrong with any of them. they are classic and have a fresh feminine feel to them.
Fiona is my choice.
Like your MN choice
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
My blog: Midwest Chaos
Married October 16th, 2010
TTC #1 since October 2010
1st BFP 1-12-11
MC'd 1-22-11
2nd BFP 2-15-11
Our Wee One....**KENNEDY JO** born 10/3/11@ 36weeks via Csection
My BFP Chart
Labor Buddy to **MRS.ATCH** Welcome Quinn 11-5-11**
Love: Ivy, Fiona
Like: Rose, Bianca
Lame: Willa
This! I love Fiona!
I like them in this order: Fiona, Ivy, Rose, Bianca, Willa
P/SAIF Welcome
Invisible Finish Line
3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
My grandmother's name is Willa. Love this.
Bianca is NMS.
Ivy is nice.
Fiona reminds me of Shrek. NMSAA.
Rose is very pretty also.
My Awesome Craft Blog
My other blog