
round ligament pain

Hi ladies-


I am almost 12 weeks and for the past few days I have been feeling this dull, stretching pain.  Is this what round ligament pain feels like?  I know there will be alot of stretching and growing with two in there but I of course want to make sure its all normal.....


Thank you!!

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Re: round ligament pain

  • For me, RLP was sharp pains that I would get if I moved too quickly or got up too fast.  But what you are experiencing sounds completely normal! 

  • Thank you!  I just need reassurance :)
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  • Ditto PP on the sharp pains on my sides for RLP. But I want to say it was around 14-18 weeks where I really started feeling a lot of other dull stretching pain from my tummy stretching. I'm sure its completely normal, but mention it to your dr
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  • I started getting RLP pretty much right away. Most of the time its in my right groin area and its sharp and hurts worst when i get up from sitting down or change positions. I get the pain here and there on my left side too. Also i get like a sharp scratching sensation from my belly button down. It seems like the RLP comes about 1-2x a week and sticks around for the day.
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