

I figured I'd re-introduce myself and my situation again since I've been posting a bit more frequently. I'm sure some of you have wondered who I am and where I've come from!

I am 37, and have three teenagers from my first marriage.  My husband and I have been married 2 1/2 years, and we now have guardianship of my nephew, given voluntarily by my sister, 8 months ago.

I am also an adoptee, placed with my parents at birth.  One of my sisters is adopted from Korea, and she came home to us when I was 10.

I also am a birthmother, choosing adoption for my son 20 years ago.

Obviously, adoption has played a huge part in my life!

I lurk here more than I post, but I've really enjoyed getting to "know" you and your stories.

The "situations" I've been posting recently are ones that I've found through a fan page on Facebook for a local maternity home.  Every time I see a post about a situation, I think of you ladies.  I hope and pray that each of you have a short wait for your babies and want to pass on any info I get that may help.

Re: Re-Intro

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