Just because it's keeping me off google, whose search terms I have run out of anyway.
PG list:
-Faint line on internet cheapie test, which last month had zero line on today same dpo.
-Haven't had longer than a 13 day luteal phase w/o a chemical pg since before having DS. All same drugs this month as last, only different was IUI vs TI.
-Boobies do not have their distinctive AF-is-around-the-corner qualities.
-Pelvic floor is sore (sorry, there's the TMI. And this goes on the other list, too, I think).
-2 lovely follies, TI 2 days before trigger, IUI with 19.5M swimmers 24 hours after trigger, TI 36 and 60 hours after trigger. Perfect progesterone bloodwork 1 and 7 days after trigger (fixed since December). Exactly what they want to see for lining thickness and striations in lining (fixe since December). DHEA, testosterone, all exactly in the range they want (fixed since December)
Not-PG list:
-Faint line could be residual from hCG shots even though about note about last month. And when I say faint, I mean faint. I have to look at it between a blank test strip (last month on 14dpo) and yesterday's light one to even see anything, and then I totally see it.
-BFN on FRER and CBE digital. That's pretty damning on 14dpiui.
-All of those crazy temp drops. I know meds might affect it, but last months' chart (all same meds, just TI vs IUI) only had a couple of wacky datapoints, not 5.
Sorry to be such a PW!
Re: TMI only for the bored (me and others)
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Is it Thursday that you go for your beta? "The waiting is the hardest part" thank you, Tom Petty...
I like how the PG list is longer... praying for you!
P.S. Post your temp asap tomorrow!!!
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
Miracle DD born 12.2005
TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
***P/SAIF Always Welcome***
Keep it Natural, Baby!