Cloth Diapering


I swear if I have one more leak I am selling all my CDs. This is mostly happening in HH and I don't know if its user error or if she needs to be changed every hour? We could go 3 hours without changing in sposies. Can anybody shed some light on this before I give up?

Re: Leaks!

  • HH never worked for us, so there's that.  Also, you do have to change more often in CD than disposables.  2 hrs is usually the max for the most part.  Depending on where you're getting leaks, it may be just that you need to change more often (is the diaper completely saturated when you get the leaks?), or could be a bad fit (leaking out of the leg holes if you have gaps, etc). 
    DS1 5/2010, DS2 11/2012
  • Have you checked to see if they are repelling? Where are they leaking? Back? Legs? Are they gapping anywhere that you've noticed?

    I bought FuzziBunz first for my son and there was nothing I could do to stop the leaks. It was awful. I tried the BumGenius Organics (Elementals) and no more leaks. Sometimes some diapers don't work as well on your baby's unique shape. 

    Don't give up. Something will work!

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  • It seems like I literally have to change her at the 2 hour point or she leaks, and its usually out of her leg holes. Maybe I should sell them.
  • Are HH they only kind you have?  If you want to throw in the towel on them, that's ok, it's not for everyone, but if you've only tried one brand know that others may work better.  HH leaked for us almost every time, BG is a great fit though and we never have leaks.

     Changing every two hours in cloth is pretty much the norm.  You can't go as long as you can in disposables, which honestly isn't a bad thing.  It sounds like your DD is a pretty heavy wetter, sitting in pee for 3+ hours just because the diaper can hold it doesn't mean you should.  You can always try a different insert.  Hemp is trimmer and more abosrbant than the microfiber that comes with most pockets.

    photo 7ce353dd-36ff-42be-84c5-8548c1d4fa1cjpg
    BFP #1 11/28/09 ~ EDD 8/6/10 ~ DS Born 8/9/10
    BFP #2 8/27/13 ~ EDD 5/8/14 ~ Natural MC 9/18/13 at 6 weeks, 6 days
    BFP#3 3/28/14 ~ EDD 12/7/14 ~ DD Born 11/21/14
    BFP#4 6/15/17 ~ EDD 2/20/18
  • We have HH, BG and RaR. She really isn't a heavy wetter though, that's why I was confused. I guess I could order some hemp inserts and try those before trying to sell them. I wouldn't know how to go about selling them anyways. Thanks ladies.
  • imageKara5109:
    We have HH, BG and RaR. She really isn't a heavy wetter though, that's why I was confused. I guess I could order some hemp inserts and try those before trying to sell them. I wouldn't know how to go about selling them anyways. Thanks ladies.

    We use hemp and bamboo mostly and I like them WAY better than microfiber. They holds more and are trimmer. I've found certain pockets work better for us than others and at different stages/sizes.

    Edit: if you feel like they fit ok and the inserts aren't saturated and its not repelling,  it could be compression from the onesie. I find if ds onesie is getting a little small or when they are tighter around the inside of his legs it can cause the diaper to wick.  

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Are you getting leaks with the other brands?  RaR didn't work for us either.  Thankfully I only had 1 and it was easy to sell.  When you get leaks are the inserts completely soaked?  I wonder if it's a repelling problem.  Have you tried using both of the inserts?  It makes for a slightly fluffy bum but nothing overly rediculous?

     If all else fails and they aren't for you, at least you can get back some of you money!  I've sold all my diapers right here on this board.  You can also try Spot's Corner or Diaper Swappers.

    photo 7ce353dd-36ff-42be-84c5-8548c1d4fa1cjpg
    BFP #1 11/28/09 ~ EDD 8/6/10 ~ DS Born 8/9/10
    BFP #2 8/27/13 ~ EDD 5/8/14 ~ Natural MC 9/18/13 at 6 weeks, 6 days
    BFP#3 3/28/14 ~ EDD 12/7/14 ~ DD Born 11/21/14
    BFP#4 6/15/17 ~ EDD 2/20/18
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