
Lower belly pain/tenderness

I'm not sure if it's because I have a prior csection (2 years ago) or if this is how everyone feels at the end of a twin/ pregnancy. My lower belly is SO TENDER and hurts. If I touch it or bump it on something ever so slightly it really hurts. And it itches like CRAZY. I feel like between me scratching and the pain from the inside that they are trying to scratch their way out through my csection scar and I'm scratching my way into them! Uhhh! I don't have PUPPPS, just itchy and all my stretch marks basically start at my csection incision and go up to my belly button. I found this oil spray by Palmers for itchy dry skin. I put it on several times a day it does help. And I've been putting ice packs on my stomach when it gets to be too much.

 P/S I'm 36w6days and delivering a week from TODAY!

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Re: Lower belly pain/tenderness

  • I'm 2 weeks behind you (35w today) and for the past 2 weeks I've definately noticed an increase in itching, I don't itch all the time, just noticed it went from not being itchy at all to starting  to itch more often, I assume from the stretching. I've also noticed a little bit of tenderness in parts of my tummy occasionally, nothing significant yet tho. Your soooo close, yay!
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  • I  used vitamin e oil on my belly and it really helped with the itching.  You are so close, you will be holding those babies before you know it! 
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  • imagekaiteedidit:
    I  used vitamin e oil on my belly and it really helped with the itching.  You are so close, you will be holding those babies before you know it! 

    Yes!  Vitamin e oil is what the Palmers oil that I found is.  I really do think it helps, I've been putting it on like 4-5 times a day!  But if I give in to a little bit of scratching then it's like I can't stop! 

     I can't believe my girls will be here a week from today.  I think from about 30 weeks on each day has felt like a YEAR and now suddenly I can say in 7 days I'll be holding them!  So amazing, I can't WAIT!!!

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