
My daycare let the afterschool program watch Gremlins.

WTF?  These are kids 4 and up.  I am okay with movie Friday, every Friday!  I love my daycare!  Love it!  I've had three kids go through the ranks with relatively no complaints.  I am pretty laid back, my kids don't scare easily but WTF? I can't figure out what the rating was for this movie (release 1984) but I let them know it was a poor choice of movies.  Do you agree?

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Re: My daycare let the afterschool program watch Gremlins.

  • My kid would be terrorized!!! Cute fuzzy things that turn into toothy, snarling monsters when you get them wet? Hells no.
  • Wow. My kids are scared of scooby doo. I wonder what they would do if they were faced with a gremlin?

    I'd be pissed.

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  • Its rated PG. I would be mad about this movie. There are plenty of G rated movies to show. Even lesser known ones could be shown!

    here's some info for you on Parent's guide for Gremlins

  • Lame movie choice for kids.
  • That was a really bad decision.  I wouldn't show Gremlins to kids younger than 4th or 5th grade.  IMO a lot of movies that were rated pg back in the 80s would be rated pg13 or even r now. 
  • imageDandelionMom:
    That was a really bad decision.  I wouldn't show Gremlins to kids younger than 4th or 5th grade.  IMO a lot of movies that were rated pg back in the 80s would be rated pg13 or even r now. 

    I feel this is true too!

    Now sure if it was just a possibilty or if the movie rating people followed through with this, but I read a while back that any movie made now if it had smoking in it would automatically get an R rating. SO if that is true Gremlins, if made today and this rule is true, woudl be rated R!

  • Reminds me of my night before kindergarten.  I was playing next door at my friend's house and her older siblings had on Freddy Kruegar. I couldn't sleep that night and I barely saw 5/10 min of the movie.  I was scared of him for years.

    Needless to say my parents weren't happy and I didn't get to go play there much after that. 

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  • Would I let DS watch Gremlins if he wanted to? Sure, he has watched a ton of my favorite kid movies of the 80's that aren't super PC but I love them and I am ok with it. (For example he loves Harry and the Hendersons, Goonies, Ghostbusters, Little Monsters etc. ) BUT would I want a daycare deciding it was ok to show it to him without asking me or would I show it to another child without asking their parents?? Hells no.

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  • What?! I was 9 when that movie opened and was not allowed to see it. As a former film student, I know it was one of the first movies to ever get a PG-13 rating. Definitely NOT appropriate, imo.
  • I was 10 when I saw that movie and it scared the bejeezus out of me.  What were they thinking?!
    DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
  • Ooh, I remember being terrified of that movie. Not a good choice.
  • "Along with Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, also rated PG, Gremlins was one of two films in 1984 to influence the MPAA to create the PG-13 rating, with Red Dawn being the first film given the new rating in August 1984"

    I would be pissed if they showed my kid a PG movie without consent, it is parental guidance, not idiot that thinks Gremlins is ok for a 4yo guidance!  That said, I watched Friday the 13th at 6yo and all of those 80s horror movies as a very young kid and I am ok.  I would say something to them but if your child was scared I would ream them out as a parent.

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • She said she was scared when I picked her up, not sure what point in the movie it was on but I told the office as I was leaving that I thought the movie was a poor choice for the group and I'd rather scary movies not be shown.  DD hasn't said anything since and I don't believe there are any lasting effects.   DD understands real and make believe and she has accidently viewed a scary part in a movie DH was watching (much more scary!).  I am not mad to the point that I am going to throw a fit about it but I plan to mention it again to the admin hopefully they will just block that video.  I am totally cool with Scooby Do, Backugon (sp), Chickmunks, hell I don't care if they show Hannah Montana, Suite Life, Jonas Brother, Justin Beiber, Phenis and Ferb, Sponge bob, etc....just not anything scary that's also gory.   I will not allow them to watch some of the above at home but for an hour on a Friday, whatever...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Not cool. That movie freaked me out back in the day. I would never let DD watch it.
    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
  • As you know, my girls are very timid. They got too scared at Tangled and we had to leave the theater. I know this is a bit overboard, but it is who they are...or at least who DD#1 is and DD#2 feeds off of her. I would flip if daycare showed the Gremlins. We'd be dealing with nightmares for weeks.
  • poor movie choice for 4 yr olds. the old guy getting run over while watching tv, the microwave scene, the end scene with all of the gore, even the story telling of the dad getting killed as santa on xmas eve. it freaked me out and I had to have been at least 9 yrs old when I saw it. yikes!
  • It is so funny that you posted this - DH and I were at Target last weekend looking for kid movies, and I noticed that in that section and was really surprised - that is SO not a kid movie!
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