Babies: 9 - 12 Months

How much?

How much does your 10 1/2 month old drink of formula/milk? I got a bit upset yesterday at the daycare because she had ran out of 64 oz of milk in 4 days. When I asked her how many bottles he was drinking average, and she said 4- 8ounce bottles. He drinks 1, sometimes 2 in the 16 hours that he is at home with us before and after daycare.

During our days off he only drinks 4 8 ounce bottles (5 is very rare, and sometimes its only 3). I just really bothers me and I didn't know if anyone else is going through the same. The week before I would send 3 32 oz bottles of formula, the doctor has him on lactaid whole milk now because he is eating such a wide variety of food (and he's lactose intolerant) that he didn't see a reason for him to be on formula any longer. So this week I brought 1 64 oz bottle of milk and that's what happened... 

I also am questioning it because if he were to have 4- 8 ounce bottles of milk the past 4 days that clearly doesn't add up to 64 ounces. So unless he had extra formula bottles left over, he isn't always getting that amount. 

Sorry just a bit frustrated, sorry for the vent. TIA... 

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Re: How much?

  • Isn't it possible that the leftover bottles are discarded?  I guess making an 8 oz bottle is the highest option though.  Someone is not telling the whole story because it is not adding up.
  • imageAlexandra*sMom:
    Isn't it possible that the leftover bottles are discarded?  I guess making an 8 oz bottle is the highest option though.  Someone is not telling the whole story because it is not adding up.

    By leftover bottles I mean he only could take liquid formula, his stomach was too sensitive for powder so I brought 3- 32 oz bottles of formula for a week. But then there were some weeks where he didn't go to daycare all week long, and I'm wondering if she had extra 32 oz formula bottles left over. She never told me she did. 

    But I did want to update that when DF dropped him off, she wants a summary of how he normally eats here, so maybe she is as concerned as I am that he's taking 4 bottles in 8 hours.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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