Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Talk to me about sleep training for night wakings

DD is 10.5 months and we will be starting to eliminate BF sessions here in the next month or so - 2 of which are during the night. 

Do I let her CIO?  Do I go in and rock her w/o nursing?  Do I offer a sippy or a bottle?

Thanks ladies!!

Re: Talk to me about sleep training for night wakings

  • I never had luck rocking DS w/o feeding.  He would just scream in my arms.  We did CIO and it worked great.  He was waking a bunch and we got him down to 1 waking a night.  He still wakes for 1 bottle a night but we will probably use CIO to get rid of that one soon (probably the 1 year mark)

    I basically set it in my head that I wasn't going to go in to him until 2am (figuring he could make it from his 7pm bedtime until then).  He'd cry around midnite for a bottle but I wouldn't go in.  He'd cry for maybe 10 minutes and then fall back to sleep.  After that, he'd usually wake around 2 am and at that point I'd go in to feed him.  After that, I wouldn't go in until 6am (sometimes he wakes around 5:30am, but he just hangs out until 6am or goes back to sleep).  It took about 3 nights before he wasn't waking at midnight, would wake at 2ish and sleep until anywhere between 5:30-6:30am.

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  • i read dr. ferbers book and decided to eliminate his middle of the night feeding when we started cio. this has worked well for us. ds would always wake up at 12  to eat but now sttn sometimes i hear him for less than 5 min whine a little but it has been a blessing!
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  • DS doesn't eat in the middle of the night anymore (he cut those himself) but what I think really helped him to do that is that DH would take some of the night wakings, esp when he was younger.  That way nursing isn't really an option.

    DS does wake up some/most nights & DH or I will go in and lay on the floor.  It took a couple of nights of crying, which I was okay with bc I or DH was right there with him, but now one of us can go in, lay down on the floor & DS will put himself back to sleep.  I wasn't wild about CIO but I was at my wit's end with the patting & rocking & shushing.  This was a nice middle ground for us.  Eventually we'll work on not having to go in the room at all, but we had gotten to a point where we all would be up 2+ hours in the middle of night & now we've got it down to 15 minutes.


  • CIO doesn't really work for us because we rent and have neighbors on both sides of DS's room. DS was nursing all night long and I was exhausted from waking up every hour to feed him. I started by delaying his first feeding until 4am. If he woke up before that I would first try to lay him back down in his crib(I slept on the floor of his room the first few nights so I could catch him before he was too awake). If that didn't work I would rock him back to sleep. Then as he started sleeping longer, I kept pushing the first feeding later and later. Now DS sleeps from 10pm to 7am(occasionally waking at 4) before he has his first drink. Then he will sleep until at least 930. 


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  • i did CIO and offered bottles to both of my children around 6-7 months.  i feel like i did everything right but made my daughter feel like she needed a bottle at night to go to sleep.  (once she had a month full of teeth and i was worried about milk/tooth decay it became a hard habit to break).

    i am a big believer of CIO, you can google and follow as much or as little as you feel comfortable!  GL! 


  • Are you married or living with DD's Dad?  When I finally grew sick of DS waking up every single  night for feeding, we followed the advice we got from Baby 411.  Basically, she says that babies don't NEED to eat in the middle of the night, they're just used to it.  I am still nursing, so when DS cried, DH would go in and rub his back and get him back to sleep.  (If you're nursing, she says they can smell your milk, so send Dad in.)  The first two nights he gave him some water in a bottle.  The third night DS didn't want the bottle, and from the fourth night on, we've been sleeping through the night.  I don't know how we lived on so little sleep for so long!

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