Two Under 2

Night 2

Was better!  I was really nervous because when we put DD1 down she had been running a fever and had yakked twice.  And DD2 was teething and miserable all day.  So we put the baby down awake again while DD1 was getting ready for bed.  And like the day before, she fell asleep while DH was reading to DD1.  N went right down with no fuss, poor thing.  This was about 8.  I heard the baby at 12:30 and went in to feed her.  Normally if she wakes that early, I let her fuss, but since she had been teething I wasn't going to do any CIO tonight.  DD1 lifted her head, looked at us, and put it back down and went to sleep.

I heard DD2 again around 2:30 or so, but I let her fuss a bit and she went back to sleep.  DD1, as far as I know, did not wake.  At 6 we heard DD1.  Normally I would have let her fuss, but again, she was sick, so I went in.  She just needed a cuddle and then went back to sleep.

Now it's 6:45 and I've been hearing DD2 for the last 15 minutes or so.  She's just kind of complaining.  I was hoping she'd go back to sleep but she hasn't, so I think I will go get her.

Traveling the world with my girls - born 12 months and 18 days apart.
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Re: Night 2

  • U must keep us posted on how they are doing. My 2u2 are 16 months apart. DS1 is 21 months old and DS2 is 5months old and sttn. I tried to have them share a room a few nights ago. It was a disaster. DS2 woke up crying @ 300am because some how he got turned in the crib and woke up DS1. It took me 2 1/2 hours to get the both of them back to sleep all by myself. Then DH comes home from work and was worried that something had happened to us and opened the nursery door and woke them both up. So I finally gave up and brought DS2 back to room to his bassinett. Needless to say, we r going to wait a few weeks before we try again. Keep us posted!
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