I am having to wean my LO to formula because of the pregnancy with #2. It was not a planned pregnancy and I had planned weaning from breast to cow milk, but Dr. wants him to wean to formula first.
The problem is as of the moment he WILL NOT take the formula. He's 11 months old and I know the Dr. has his best interest in mind, but I am getting worried about him not taking the formula because I can already tell that my supply has gotten lower. When he nurses he nurses a LOT more frequently to get enough.
Did anyone else have this problem? What did you do?
I've emailed little man's doctor for suggestions, but I'm just curious what other mom's came up with as solutions. Thanks in advance!
Re: Weaning trouble
I BF ds until he was 13 month old and I was 18 wks pregnant. I was avoiding formula at all cost bc I knew he would hate it. He hates reg milk even now.
I would try milk. I understand there is more vitamins etc in formula, but do what you can. Maybe try to mix an ounce of formula and 3 oz of milk and see if he likes it?
I gave my 9.5 month old and oz of whole milk the other day to see if she liked it and she did. My pedi said its okay every once and a while at that age if you arent replacing a meal with it...they've have yogurt, cheese etc so its ok. They just dont want you to stop using formula or BM at a young age bc they need the nutrients. At 11 months though, I would try reg milk, but thats just me. Formula smells nasty IMO and I tried it in a cup with DD and she hated it. She took the oz of whole milk fine.