D.C. Area Babies

3 Hour Glucose Test

Being the little over-achiever that I am, I didn't just fail my 1 hour test, I bombed it.  :-(  I am not sure who was more shocked my OB or me-- I passed with flying colors during my first pregnancy. That said, I have to take the 3 hour test. My OB said that the lab would tell me about dietary requirements that have to be done in preparation for the test, while the lab told me that the OB would tell me.  As much fun as it is to go in circles with the phone calls, has anyone taken the 3 hour test?  What are the requirements besides fasting the night before?  From what I am reading courtesy of Dr. Google, 150 grams of carbs for 3 days before the test (in addition to your normal diet) seems to be the norm.  I just wanted to find out the experience of others.


Re: 3 Hour Glucose Test

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    I wasn't told to eat anything in particular on the days before the test (just the requirement to fast the night before).

    I do recommend bringing a snack to eat right after the test.  I felt fine after the one-hour test, but I felt pretty gross at the end of the three-hour test. I took a granola bar with me to eat right afterward... and then I stopped at Five Guys :)

    Good luck with the test! 

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    I never got any instructions for the days leading up to the 3 hour test, just the fasting the night before. 

    I made the mistake of eating a lot after I took the one when pg with DD #2 and I about passed out.  It's a balancing act after the test as far as what/how much to eat.  Take it easy!

    Wife, Musician, Fed, WW-er, and Mom of three little kids - not necessarily in that order.
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    I bombed the one hour test also but passed the 3 hour test textbook perfect...just to give you some hope:-) I was not told naything specific in the days before the test.  ultimately you don't want to try and trick the test, if you have it you want to treat it to be the best thing for the baby but I did fast the night before midnight...


    good luck!!!


    on and I went to wendys and treated myself right after because I felt awful.... 

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    I didn't get any eating instructions either, just to fast (i think it was 12 hrs? or maybe 8 hrs?) the night before. try to get an early appt so you don't have to be awake and fasting long. i finished mine right around lunch time and immediately drove to a fast food joint and stuffed myself. :) it wasn't too bad except the sugar rush and the subsequent crash about 2 hours in. i was trying hard to stay awake in the waiting room.

    I didn't fail the 1 hr by much (3 points or something) but I bombed the 3 hr and was diagnosed with GD. you never know! :)

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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    Just fast the night before, 12 hours prior to testing.  Likewise, do not even drink water the morning of.  Frankly, I don't think this should be a huge deal but they are afraid that if you have had water and then drink the bottle of sugar you might get sick.  Again, this would definitely be patient dependent.  Otherwise nothing special. Regarding scheduling the test, sometimes the lab needs to know you're coming in, like 3 days prior, so they can ensure they have the GTT ready for you.  That's probably the most important thing for the test.  
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    Like PP said, I only got directions to fast before the test. I agree with Zerf - get an early appointment. And bring things you can do when you're zoned out or headachy. I failed the 1-hour by 15 or so points, and then failed the 3 hour by one point, which was infuriating at the time, but ended up being a good thing for weight gain (and pp weight loss!) as well as other issues that were discovered with my pregnancy.
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    I second what everyone said, I just had to fast 12 hrs before the test, that's all. I just wanted to pass you what the nurse told me when I was done - make sure you eat plenty of protein and not to much carbs after the test.  You'll have a lot of sugar in your system from the glucose drink and would get sick with more sugar/carbs and very tired.  I ate a burger right after and felt better and less fatigued.  GL!
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