Cloth Diapering

I need a dictionary...

CD, Fluff, AIO....I'm catching on to some* of the terms but cloth diapering is all new here. We decided to start baby Jaydon in cloth (due June 8th) but I got impatient, and put our 12 month old daughter in the cheapies I decided to experiment with from eBay TODAY. She hasn't worn a disposable all day (is there a fancy term for disposables?? probably. I call them 'Huggies'). I am HOOKED!!! My husband is (surprisingly) behind me on this! He said the only thing is that the poop diapers are ALL me. No biggie, I plan on making him put a sprayer in for me haha

Is there some type of evil that overcomes people who cloth though? seriously, it seems kinda catty on  some of th FB discussion boards of CD places i've visited (hey, I used a new term!!). It's like you're stupid if you don't use this or don't use that "you mean you use microfiber? Eew!" and all that.

I'm sure a great portion of moms who CD are more like's not a brand thing for me. If I can find something that works just as good for $4.45, I'll buy that instead. The environment was NOT my first reason to switch, my reasons started purely as cost. My son will be 3 in June, my daughter just turned 1, and we will have another boy late may/early june... thats a lot of butts since PJ is so reluctant to potty train! I'm sure I'll get some of the "name brands" just because some are freaking cute, but I'll pinch a penny until I hear Abe scream!

So here I am, an EBF, CDing, WAHM... who needs a little input! What are all these terms/acronyms? Do I really need special diaper creams? What NORMAL detergent can I use...all that good stuff! Also, when you go out with the wee ones, how do you handle CDing?

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: I need a dictionary...

  • There's a very informative FAQ at the top of this board.  And everyone here is very nice :)
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  • Check out the FAQ on the top of this board. There are some abbreviations defined there. There is not a lot of drama on this board, there's a lot of sweet mamas here.

    We CD out of the house the same as we do in the house, except we bring a travel zippered wet bag with us to put the diapers in and then dump it all in the pail when we get home. I usually try to use AIOs (all in ones) out of the house too because they are trimmer and easier, but you can use anything really.  

     Welcome and let us know if you have any more questions! :)

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  • Welcome!  This is a fairly low-drama board.  We tend to watch and discuss the drama from other places more so than start any of our own. ;-)

    I have some reviews of different types of diapers we've used in my blog (link in siggy) on the Adventures in CD page.  I also have some posts on the blog about cloth wipes if you want to read those.

    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    The Bee Hive Blog
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  • I'm in the process of creating a blog with all the info I've compiled for a group of friends who are pregnant and asking me about my cloth diapering experience. Here is the link: Comfy Bottom Baby

    Hope it's helpful. Let me know what you think!

    ETA: Fixed link

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