Apparently we do. I had no idea until I called our water board this morning- so glad I did or I would've guessed wrong. I still don't really know what soft water means compared to other water types. I'm getting ready to buy CD safe detergent to prep some used dipes I just got.
If you have soft water, what CD detergent works best for you?
Re: Who has soft water?
i live in az, and the water is naturally hard, but we have a water softener... it makes a HUGE difference.
when we lived in san diego previously, we had hard water, no water softener, and i commonly had stink issues and had to strip way more often.
since i've had the softener i think i've had to strip once in the last 7months.
hard water means there are more mineral deposits left on your clothing etc...
before we moved to az, i was going to start looking into finding hard water detergents for my dipes because it was such a problem.
i was using all free and clear... but with the water softener i can still use all free and clear with no issues.
This. Works great. Have not had to strip once in 6 months.