I can not believe we survived this year...but I am hear to tell everyone who is expecting that you can do it. If we did you can too. I remember being pregnant and worrying ALL the time and just telling myself that once they were born the worry would end...nope! Now I just worry about other things!
I am so proud to be their Mom and I am a little sad that my babies are toddlers. Ugh, I am about to cry....end post.
Re: My sweet 32 weekers will be 1 tomorrow!
Oh and I wanted to add a big thank you to everyone on this board! Without the knowledge and tips from you all we would be NOT on a schedule, we would have a crappy stroller and I would never to how to handle all the twin comments from friends, family and strangers. Thank you!
Happy Birthday to your boys! My boys also turn 1 tomorrow, I am so happy and excited for them but also really sad too. I just took their little cakes out of the oven a few minutes ago....sniffle sniffle. We have a few things in common it sounds like, my boys are also 32 weekers and I am also a big DMB fan too.
Hope your day goes great tomorrow! We made it through the first year - crack some champagne open tomorrow night, we earned it!!
Congrats MoMa on making it to 1. Happy Birthday to your babes!
Wow, we do have a few things in common! Crazy. Happy birthday to your boys too. Good idea on the champagne!