
XP: Echogenic Intracardiac Foci ???

 Hi Ladies,

 I posted this on the high risk board too, but thought I would see if anyone else over here had any experience with this.....

I had a routine baseline cervical length u/s this morning and Dr. said baby B had a small spot on the heart that is basically a small calcified part (aka "bright spot" or in fancy medical terms an "echogenic intracardiac foci") in the heart muscle.  He mentioned that it could be a "soft" marker for down syndrome, but since my 12 week NT scan & bloodwork revealed a < 1:3600 chance of either baby having down syndrome, my odds were very low. But now, b/c they found this marker it would increase the odds to 1:1800.   From the research I have read it basically sounds like if you are NOT at high risk of having a baby with down syndrome (i.e. < 35 y/o, low bloodwork levels, good NT results, & no other u/s abnormalities) it is not associated with an increased risk.

I feel like the Dr. gave me the information he "had" to, but I feel like it is making me worry for no other reason than a "possibility", if even that.

Any info would be greatly appreciated, TIA!!!

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Re: XP: Echogenic Intracardiac Foci ???

  • Hi,I am usually a lurker with questions here and there but I wanted to respond. Baby A had a focus on his heart and baby B had echogenic bowels, both soft markers for downs syndrom. We were told they had a 1%chance of downs syndrome and we were offered an ammo which we refused. We were nervous wrecks. The boys came early 29 weeks 3 days 2 weeks ago and they were both healthy as can be. Don't worry about it, Mr. Doctor scared me too, but a lot of babies have this and are fine.Good luck. Sorry for no paragraphs I am on my iPad!
  • Cardiac foci are seen in about 1% of all pregnancies.  I know some MFMs who have stopped reporting them all together if there are no other markers for genetic anomalies.


    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
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  • DS had one and he does not have Downs. My MFM pretty much told me that they have to inform us about the possibilities, but that 1% of healthy pregnancies have them. Coupled with our low probability quad screen results and no other soft markers, he was fairly confident we were ok.
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  • DD had two soft markers--chloroid plexus cyst and single umbilical artery--and none of the dr's were nearly as worried as we were. Both my OB and MFM said that if they weren't required to tell me, they would prefer not to b/c those things turn out to be innocent so much of the time. Of course, I worried right up until DD was delivered and I saw her, but I'm also a worrier by nature.

  • My oldest DD had two markers also, she had the bright spot in her heart and a choroid plexus cyst. Scared us to death, but the doctors never really seemed all that worried. I worried myself sick about it the rest of my pregnancy and she came out perfectly healthy! 

    My best advice is to not google it, I did, and it made me worry so much more.  

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • My baby girl had an echogenic focus on her heart that was discovered at my first level 2 u/s. My bloodwork results were similar to yours. The peri told me that it is a weak marker for Downs and gave me some information which explained the risk. They offered an amnio, but we chose not to have one. I was very nervous about it at first, but I tried to let it go for most of the pregnancy. I did get nervous about it again shortly before delivery though. But, I delivered my babies a week ago, and my baby girl does not have Downs. Good luck!
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