
KoriBrett - re : Aspergers

Hi! I lurk here and mostly post on the toddler boards but I noticed you had a post where you mention you had a DH with aspergers. My DH is also an aspie. Just wanted to say hi and I think it's hard for others to relate so it is awesome to meet someone else dealing with it.

My Dh is a great guy but man oh man does he say some stupid things lol. People think he is very rude at times. Does your DH have obsessive hobbies? What about the monologues (you know where they just talk at you like they are giving a speech instead of having a conversation)?

I found a support group in my city for people with aspergers and their partners. It is 4 people who meet in a diner. Four socially awkard people lol. DH is scared to go of course. Anyways justy wanted to say I am in the same boat.

Olivia Kate is almost 4!
Diagnosed with autism this year and doing great!

Re: KoriBrett - re : Aspergers

  • He just doesn't know there are lines that generally aren't crossed, socially speaking.  If he thinks it, he says it.  His monologues are usually funny, but simple things like telling people how the rules work for a board game can take 2 hours & suck all the fun out of it lol.  He writes, which gets him even more stuck in his own head.  He does have some obsessive hobbies but in general he is obsessed with rules and inner workings of things - like the board games thing.  

    He also has absolutely no concept/sense of time passing.  2 minutes and 4 hours feel the same to him.  This one drives me batty like you wouldn't believe.  Or maybe you would.. lol

    Sorry but glad to know there are more hanging around.  :-)

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