Cloth Diapering

I need a better cream than CB

california baby just isn't cutting it anymore, I need something stronger, I got a yard of flannel at the store so I'll resort to a non friendly cream if I have to put these bumps just aren't going away no matter what I do! If there is a good CD friendly cream that works well please let me know! We are running through a tube a week and its just expensive for not doing a good job!

Re: I need a better cream than CB

  • bumps?  sounds like it could be yeast, which no regular cream will fix.  Do a google images search of yeast diaper rash and see if that might be what you're dealing with...

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  • I agree, could be yeast and you could get a prescription or try some homeopathic remedies. Otherwise, I like Grandma El's and CJ's. 
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  • It could def be yeast... but it could also be an allergy.  I tried EVERY freakin diaper cream I could get my hands on for a month... and then I discovered that DS was allergic to the 7th gen wipes we were using.  :  We switched brands (and try to use cloth wipes at home) and he has been bump free ever since!  Hooray.  GL to you.
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  • i love grandma els
    Doula, mama and student prego with number 2. Yay!
  • Sounds like yeast! If it is, standard diaper cream will not touch it and you'll need medicated cream or a homeopathic remedy.

    Yeast is especially hard to treat with cloth diapers because it's extremely difficult to kill and will keep proliferating if even a microbe is left behind.

    Bleach is effective, but boiling is even better.


  • thanks ladies, google search it looks just like yeast! I put a call into the doctor and we have a Rx to pick up! poor babe! I'll be boiling all my diapers tomorrow fun times! :-)
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