We are planning to be team green for this baby, just as an FYI. Our daughter's name is Sarah Katherine (Katherine was DH's grandmom who passed away the day before DD's first birthday), and we're big on classic/timeless names that never go out of style.
We have always wanted our first son to be Alexander. We both love that name. Now, we each have a deceased grandfather whose names we'd like to use as middle names for boys. Their names were Richard (DH's grandpop) and Dominic (my grandpop), and I'm not sure which one of them to pair with Alexander. If it helps, our other two favorite boy names that we may use later are Zachary and Nicholas. If we were to have 3 boys eventually (we have always talked about 4 kids), the third one's middle name would probably be Michael, which is DH's Confirmation name that he uses as a middle name.
For the girl, I am really liking Julia or a variation of it. My sister's name is Elizabeth and I know she'd love her name to be the middle name of another girl if we had one. I'm also debating Juliana or Juliet, and I'm torn between the three. I love Juliet, but it ends with a T and the stress is on the last syllable, and our last name starts with T and the stress is on the first syllable. I'm worried that will sound awkward when said aloud. WDYT?
Alexander Richard or Alexander Dominic (the other middle name would probably be used with Zachary down the like)?
Julia, Juliana or Juliet Elizabeth T.?
JET will make for cool initials. I just noticed that.
Re: Alright ladies, two questions...
Alexander Dominic.
I like Julia and Juliet, but prefer Juliet both with Elizabeth and as a sister to Sarah. I think it sounds fine with the last initial.
I prefer the flow of Alexander Richard, though both names work very well (I also really like Zachary Dominic---I think that works better together, too).
I have to confess, I don't care for Julie-names at all (I'm in the minority, and I have no rational reason for disliking them. I just do). Of the three, though, it sounds like Julia would work best with your last name, and its simplicity has a nice balance to Elizabeth's four syllables.
Very nice, classic choices all around.
Well, we want to honor one of our grandfathers, so I have no interest in anything else as a middle name.
Sarah - 12/23/2008
Alex - 9/30/2011
"I say embrace the total geek in yourself and just enjoy it. Life is too short to be cool." - Shirley Manson, Garbage
Thank you.
Truth be told, if ANY of those names change, it will be the first name for a girl. But Julia and its variations have been on my mind quite a bit lately.
Sarah - 12/23/2008
Alex - 9/30/2011
"I say embrace the total geek in yourself and just enjoy it. Life is too short to be cool." - Shirley Manson, Garbage
I understand! I prefer Richard of the two MN's....and I actually love all forms of the Julie names especially Juliet but I do feel that its too much with your LN I do love Juliana but not Juliana Elizabeth
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v705/arriinthere/PJ/?action=view
Alexander Dominic
Zachary Richard
Nicholas Michael
How about Julie? Julie Elizabeth. I think the double E sounds ok. I don't like Juliet with your last name.
This exactly.
I agree with a pp that Zachary Dominic flows well.
Alexander Richard flows slightly better for me than Alexander Dominic (although I think both work).
Love all the Julia names. I had scratched them from my own list because I kept getting an unattractive meaning for it, but it seems now when I research it, I am not feeling so bad about that and it's back on the list.
Of the three versions, my favorite is Juliet but given your ln... huh. I guess I am a tad stumped because they all sound a little awkward with Elizabeth. I guess Juliana works best since the mn will not be said very often.
Alexander Dominic
Julia Elizabeth
I love Juliet. It doesn't flow super well with your last name but I don't think it's a deal breaker either. I guess it depends on whether the sound of the two names together bugs you or not. I'd still use the name if I loved it. I also like Juliana. Julia would be my last choice of the three but it's still a nice name.
I think since Sarah's middle name is after your DH's grandmother, this kid's middle name should be someone in your family. So I vote Alexander Dominic.
Alexander Dominic sounds nice, and I think since DD's middle name went to DH's family, this one should go to yours.
I think Juliet sounds bad with any last name I can think of starting with a hard T sound. I've tried a few out loud and they all sound awkward, plus, I think it sounds like you're saying Julia (say Juliet Thompson .....sounds like Julia Thompson to me because the T sounds run together). So I vote for Juliana Elizabeth. Very pretty.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
Alexander Richard
Julia Elizabeth
I actually thought the same thing but no one else had mentioned it so I thought it was just me.
It seems like an even split on Richard vs. Dominic; it's such a hard choice. I know DH would agree to Dominic for the simple fact that Katherine was his grandmother, if that's what we decide. Maybe I should have done a clicky poll; I always feel like they get more responses.
Sarah - 12/23/2008
Alex - 9/30/2011
"I say embrace the total geek in yourself and just enjoy it. Life is too short to be cool." - Shirley Manson, Garbage
Great choices!
Alexander Dominic and Julia Elizabeth
Oscar born October 2011
Miscarriage at 8 weeks (August 2013)
DD due September 1, 2014
Alexander Dominic
Julia Elizabeth
Alexander Dominic
Julia Elizabeth
My blog: Midwest Chaos
Alexander Dominic
Zachary Richard
Juliet Elizabeth