When purchasing used CD or CD from someone what do you need to be looking for / asking about....
Did you buy them new or used? Staining? Rips? Damage? Smoke free home? Pet Free home? Price include inserts? Pins? Covers?
I'm just nervous about making my first purchase, She said she bought them new, used 2 once each, didn't like them. So that's why she is selling them, she did send me pics and everything looks great...
But I'm sure there are more questions that maybe need to be asked?
Re: Newbie Question: Not on FAQ....
I would check her feedback carefully. That's probably the best way to find out if you're going to get good diapers from her. If she doesn't say inserts are included, I would assume they're not, though a lot of the trading around here centers around fitteds, which have the inserts built in. Fitteds will require a cover. If the listing says nothing about pins or a cover, I would assume they're not included.
Personally, I would want to know if someone in the home smoked but wouldn't care about pets (unless they were likely to damage the diapers). If you have questions, you can always ask. From watching others, I'm going to go ahead and say that most people are pretty honest regarding used diapers, though not everyone agrees on how to rate them. For that reason, if you're nervous about quality then you're best off buying new or close to new diapers (because you won't have to rely quite as much on people matching your definition of EEUC or whatever).
I don't think it matters whether they were purchased new or used. Staining, rips, and damage (wear) I would definitely ask about. Smoke/ pet free, depends on if you have any allergies or sensitivities. Also ask about replacement inserts (I switched from MF to hemp and I would totally love to buy more hemp if they came with pockets). I'm not sure what you mean about pins and covers.
Also ask about detergents she used. MOST people who CD do use safe detergents, but if she wasn't all into the CDing thing she may not have.
I've been lucky because I've only gotten one diaper that wasn't as described, but it wasn't horrible either.
Is this your first cloth diaper purchase ever???
I would never buy just used diapers, or at least not a lot of them for your first purchase. If they all leak because of something she did wrong, you will never know why your diapers don't work!!
Buy at least some of your first diapers brand new. That way you know at least that they diapers "should" be working for you if you do everything correctly.
You should be able to buy used diapers after that but get into it slowly. I don't know if I'd buy a full stash from just one person, unless they just give it to you of course!! LOL
I always ask for pictures, so I can be somewhat satisfied that they look OK. I've only been burned once, and I didn't ask for pictures that time. The diaper I got was nasty.
I've bought some that were prepped but never used, and some that were gently used.
I won't take anything with staining, rips, or damage. Some people will take things with small rips or tears if they think they can repair them. When I've sold things with small tears, I'll note it.
I insist on smoke-free, but I'm fine with pet friendly, especially since we have a cat. And he doesn't get near DD or her diapers.
I have so many inserts I don't care if a diaper doesn't come with them.
I don't use pins, and I have plenty of covers. In my experience, covers are usually sols separately.
I'd ask what they were washed in, and if she had any rash issues. I'm leery of buying if someone had any yeast rash issues at all.
GL. If the price is good I'd give it a shot. Like I said, I've only been burned once. A lot of our stash is used, and I got some great stuff (and saved a lot of $) that way. I've also ended up selling some of it to someone else after DD stopped wearing them, giving someone an even better deal.