Two Under 2


my dd1 had severe colic and the experience was brutal to say the least. We are expecting DC #2 in September and I'm curious if others have had 2 with colic. I know that there is no way to know if a baby will have colic. I guess I'm just wondering how many people have 2 with colic and how on earth do you deal with it all over again. I have to admit, I'm a bit anxious. Poor DD1 had it so bad and it was AWFUL!!


Re: Colic

  • My DS1 had it....bad. If he was awake, he was crying. There were times he would go for 8 or more hours straight. It was HARD. When I got pregnant with DS2 I thought there was no way we could have another baby that was like DS1. Well, I was right and wrong. Thankfully DS2 never cried for hours on end, but he did want to be held 24/7. Which was hard when I had a 16 month old to take care of. And he would only sleep if he was held too...which made for little to no sleep for Mommy. So I still found it difficult. I hope you have a very easy baby #2!!

    But I can say that once DS2 hit 4 months things improved drastically. And they are awesome now. I love it!!

    Good luck!

  • My first baby had colic. Fussed all the time. My second is the easiest baby ever. Rarely cries or fusses. Best of luck to you!!

     My boys are now 18 months and 3 months!

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  • Right here. DS1 had colic from 6 weeks to 12 weeks. DS 2 had colic from day 2 to 4 months. It was way worse with the second. Thank God DS1 took it all in stride.
    P - 9/2008
    A - 8/2010
    L - 1/2013
    S - 3/2015
  • Reverse for us.  DS1 was a preemie and had reflux issues and sep. anxiety but nothing could have prepared us for DS2's 8 weeks of colic.  Hope you don't have to go through it again!

    Our miracle IVF baby - D 6/09 & J - Surprise! born 9/10!!!
  • Reverse for us. DS was preemie and had some feeding and sleeping issues at first but nothing prepared me for 3 months of colic with DD. She was fussy all the time and cried for 5-6 hours straight every night from 1 week to 3 months. It was horrible.
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