
Pregnancy Complications. . . (Unsure)


I'm re-writing my post, because I kinda realize now that maybe my other post didn't make sense. So I'm sorry.

 Alright to explain my self & my situation a little better. My real name is Alicia, I'm 20 years old. I am currently pregnant ( the first time ), with di/di twin girls. I am 35 weeks along on saturday. I had the babies measured & weighed the last appointment I had which was last friday, Brooklynn ( baby a ) weighed 5 lbs 2 ounces & Breanna ( baby b) weighed 5 lbs 7 ounces.

 My blood pressure has been normal through out the whole pregnancy (except for last thursday) & my weight gain hasn't been to bad over all I have gained 40-45 lbs it goes up & down.

Last Thursday though, I went to the hospital because I had tingly hands & face, my blood pressure was up, and they did find protien in my urine but the blood test came back negative of pre-eclampsia. I experienced the tingly just in my face again last night. I have an appointment tomorow so I'm hoping the outcome is good.

Although last friday the appointment i had he said something about keeping a eye on the umblicalcords and if they dont straighten out by this week he would be schedueling me for my c-section finally.

I think all & all I'm just nervous, I didnt mean to offend anyone about the kinda disspointed post, Im just wanting some insight.




Re: Pregnancy Complications. . . (Unsure)

  • I don't have any pointers/etc for you (we're only 16 w and haven't been this pregnant before!), but I wish you the best of luck! 35w is great and your babies sound nice and big. Keep getting good care!
  • I am young also, 22 years old.    I was 35 weeks pregnant when my girls were born because of pre-eclampsia and other complications.  I had baby A vaginally, and then because of prolapsed chord, I had to have an emergency c-section.  My girls were born with very little problems.  The first few days they had to work on getting some fluid out of their lungs, and keeping their O2 stats up and their breathing slowed down.  They also had a minor infection.  After the first few days though they were just feeders and growers and didn't have any "health" problems.  Laney was in the NICU 14 days, and Livi was in for 16 days.  It wasn't easy, but I knew that it was were they needed to be.  

    It sounds like your girls are good weights!  Alayna was 5lbs 5.5 oz when she was born and Livian was 5lbs even.  Good job on getting them to that point!  I guess I am just here to offer you some support, and to let you know that you are not alone!  I'll send some prayers your way that your girls can cook a little bit longer!! 

    Livian Elizabeth and Alayna Marjorie!  On their way to 3!
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  • I also have di/di girls. You're in for a lot of fun!

    The babies weights look great. Here's a chart that shows the average for twin weights -

    I really can't help with the other stuff. I was really lucky and didn't have problems with blood pressure or PE. You may want to post this on the High Risk board. Some singleton moms may be able to address the tingling in your face, cord issues, and tell you their experience with high blood pressure.

    If you end up needing a c-section, there are a lot of women here who can answer those questions, myself included :)

  • Like I said below, I don't know anything really about pre-e, I just wanted to wish you luck and say good job making it to 35 weeks.  And those are great weight estimates!

    Also, maybe ask him about a 24 hour urine test at your appointment tomorrow, if he doesn't schedule you for a c-section anyway because of the other issue.  I've noticed on here that a lot of OB's seem to use that to help test for pre-e.

  • It sounds like your doc is monitoring you closely, so that's really good.  It's also good that you've made it this far.  Way to go! 

    Stay hydrated and keep resting as much as you can.  Best wishes in the home stretch.

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  • I had HELLP Syndrome, which is related to pre-e. My BP was elevated and I had protein in the urine, but that wasn't concerning so much as my low platelets and elevated liver enzymes. I didn't really exhibit any symptoms on the surface. It was my bloodwork that kept causing concerns.

    I was forced to deliver at 29 weeks when my girls were just over 2 lbs and 3 lbs. You're already a lot further than I was. That's a good thing. They were also watching Abby's cord because the flow was elevated as well, but the HELLP forced a delivery before any concerns with her cord did. I ended up having an emergency c-section due to my platelets dropping like a rock that day.

    I have mo/di twins, so I can't completely relate. I had several issues related to the shared placenta. But it sounds like your doc is keeping an eye on things and I hope all goes well. 

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  • thanks ladies, its much much appreciated. I deffinatley feel the support now. I'm just hoping everything goes good, im very scared about having a c-section but i know i will be because baby a is breach.
  • Dont stress yourself out about the csection. So many people told me how hard a csection was going to be I was so nervous. My csection and recovery was a breeze. I was up and walking (very slowly but up) within 8 hours. I was extremely sore for the first 3-4 days but was able to move around slowly. By the time I got out of the hospital I felt pretty good and by 1 week pp I felt pretty much back to normal. I know not everyone has such an easy experience but I just wanted to let you know that not everyone has a tough recovery and try not to worry about it.
  • My boys are di/di, but I (thankfully) did not have pre e. I delivered at 30 weeks so you are already a lot further than I made it. Congrats on that! GL on keeping those babies cooking in there.

    BTW- I was really nervous and scared about the c section too. Honestly, I am so glad that I had one. My recovery was amazing. I know that not everybody's is, but mine was. There was little pain while recovering. Just make sure you don't overdo it and listen to you body. Hope this helps!

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