Cloth Diapering

Swim diaper vs unstuffed pocket?

Which do you prefer?  We'll be taking LO swimming for the first time soon and I'm just wondering which is the best way to go.  If you use swim dipes, which brand?

Re: Swim diaper vs unstuffed pocket?

  • We have a lot of delaminated pocket diapers, so we use those. They work just fine. I would not use a good pocket in chlorine though.
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  • They are pretty much the same idea, so we just use an old BumGenius pocket diaper that we no longer use as a normal diaper.
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  • I use a BG that I bought off of Diaper swappers for super cheap. The person I bought it from had no idea of it's condition, care, or anything. I marked it with an S on the tag so that I don't mix it in with regular diapers. We also only use swim diapers at some places. If she had recently pooped we don't bother or if we're at my parent's pool they don't care either way. =)
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