Had a successful VBAC with 8lb, face up baby!

CHS2005CHS2005 member
I just wanted to say that baby and mama's health always comes first, but stick to your desire for a VBAC. My water broke on Monday night and my contractions came on fast and strong. I had an epi but the pain kept coming and they kept giving me more medication. Problem was, I was so tired by Tuesday morning and he was so slow in coming, that my dr and the nurse were encouraging me to think about my options for a 2nd c-sec. I think some of this was that I had already had one and they just seemed to feel like another face up baby (DS#1 was face up too) just wan't going to fit. I stuck to my guns and  said unless there was  medical reason to choose a VBAC (at one point my dr was saying if he didn't come down by X time, he was of the opinion that there would be a medical reason b/c the baby just didn't seem to be able to fit), I wanted to at least try. I finally slept for an hour and then pushed for an hour, and out he came! It was great to see him, and to not be separated right after birth (i didn't see DS#1 for 3 hours). If I can do it, anyone can - good luck to everyone! 
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