Anyone had a breech vbac delivery?
My first c/s was because ds was transverse breech, discovered at 36 weeks. c/s was scheduled for 39 w 3 d but my water broke at 39 weeks and they did the c/s then. Overall recovery was pretty easy but I knew right away that I would vbac.
Fast forward to this pregnancy, baby is breech again. Started getting nervous/more proactive about it at 29 weeks. One month later baby hasn't shifted - I can still feel her head in my ribs. I've been seeing a chiropractor 2-3 times per week, moxibustion, inversions, hands and knees rocking, visualization and am going to start swimming.
I know she technically has room to flip up until 36 weeks, which is the time they've given me before discussing a version or repeat c/s. Obviously, I'd like to avoid both. My doula and chiropractor suggested a consultation with a doctor at a hospital about an hour away who specializes in vbac and breech delivery. My current hospital will not allow a breech vbac.
Anyone done this before? Know anyone who has? As far as I can tell, baby would still have to be in a favorable position, butt down and legs up.
Re: Breech VBAC Delivery?
My c/s was for a breech baby as well and that is always one of my fears. I talked to my midwives about it and they will deliver breech VBAC as long as the butt is down (not feet).
I would probably talk to the breech VBAC doctor, but even if you decide you don't want to do that, you don't have to schedule the c/s. I know of a girl whose baby went from breech to head down during labor so it is totally possible!