Northern California Babies

What size exercise ball for pregnancy, birth, baby?

I'd like to get an exercise ball to use for some pregnancy sitting/stretching, to help with the birth (laboring at home, and possibly could want to bring it to the hospital if feasible), and also to use after to bounce baby, etc. 

There are so many different sizes available online through amazon and I can't figure out which I would need.  Any thoughts?


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Re: What size exercise ball for pregnancy, birth, baby?

  • Just found this...not sure if it's helpful for birth though. 

    Exercise ball FAQs

    What would you like to know about exercise balls?  We've answered the most frequently asked questions below. Just click on a question to read the response.  

    Did we miss your question?  Just email us: 


    What are exercise balls used for?

    Aren't all exercise balls basically the same?

    Do I need a burst-resistant ball?

    What size ball should I get?

    Why are some balls softer than others?

    How do I inflate the ball?

    How do I care for my exercise ball?

    How do I clean my exercise ball?

    How do I learn how to use my exercise ball?


    What are exercise balls used for?

    I'm tempted to say, "just about everything!"  Exercise balls are incredibly versatile fitness tools.  Use them to work on balance ... resistance ... flexibility ... and strength.

    Exercise balls are a natural for anyone wishing to actively sit, stretch, tone, and strengthen.  It's a nice bonus that they are also fun, safe and affordable!

    Back to top

    Aren't all exercise balls basically the same?

    Sadly, no!  A lot of balls on the market are designed for inexpensive play.  Being flimsy, they pierce easily and don't hold up well to sustained use.

    We carry only high-quality, durable exercise balls.  All these balls are tough and resist piercing.  They can also handle greater weights.

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    Do I need a burst-resistant ball?

    We recommend using a burst-resistant exercise ball whenever possible (Transparent balls and the huge Megaballs don't come with this option).

    Why?  Well, security is the most compelling reason. No matter how tough the ball, something sharp like a nail can penetrate it. When that happens, a non-burst-resistant ball can burst rather like a balloon, dropping you abruptly on the floor - and giving you a good fright!  Not good.  Puncture a burst-resistant ball and it deflates slowly and gently.

    A less obvious reason for preferring burst-resistance is peace-of-mind.  Knowing that your ball will not explode if punctured - though it can still tear - lets you relax.  That's worth a lot right there!

    Note:  If you are using your exercise ball for therapy, don't gamble!  Get the safety of burst-resistance.  Likewise, if you plan to use weights while exercising on the ball, you need burst-resistance.  Otherwise you're running unnecessary risks.

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    What size ball should I get?

    Here are some rough sizing guidelines:

    • If you are 4'11" to 5' 3" get 55cm.
    • If you are 5' 4" to 5' 10" get 65cm.
    • If you are 5' 11" or taller get 75cm.

    Sizes based upon height are approximate.  If you are near a division (for instance, you stand between 5' 2" and 5' 5" tall) you could opt to go either way.  Consider your other body characteristics (like weight) and how you plan to use the ball.  Click for more precise sizing instructions.

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  • Sorry...that came out funky when I C&P!
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  • I got the right one based on my height, but I always wished I had gotten a bigger one. I think if I was using it for exercise it would have been perfect, but that's not what I was using it for. I used my ball A LOT after Kyva was born for bouncing her while being able to sit down, and my knees were really sore PP so getting up from the slightly too small ball was annoying. And late in pregnancy getting up can be an issue anyway! So my thought would be to get one on the bigger side.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imageZoeMay06:
    I got the right one based on my height, but I always wished I had gotten a bigger one. I think if I was using it for exercise it would have been perfect, but that's not what I was using it for. I used my ball A LOT after Kyva was born for bouncing her while being able to sit down, and my knees were really sore PP so getting up from the slightly too small ball was annoying. And late in pregnancy getting up can be an issue anyway! So my thought would be to get one on the bigger side.

    Good tip. I have one already that is for exercise and even now at 21 weeks I have some difficulty getting up depending on how I'm feeling - some days easier than others and definitely when I'm bigger and less balanced it will get worse. I'm thinking of going for the bigger size (and that way if DH wants to bounce with her as well, we'll have the bigger ball). 

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  • I used mine a ton when C was a newborn.  I spent many an evening bouncing on it with him in a carrier while I attempted to eat my dinner.  Ah, fun times. ;)

    I'd also get the bigger ball if possible.  I left mine at home and borrowed a ball from the hospital while I was in labor.  I think they got tired of seeing parents schleping them in and got their own.  Ask your hospital if they have some for you to use.  :)


  • Thanks ladies! :)
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageZoeMay06:
    I got the right one based on my height, but I always wished I had gotten a bigger one. I think if I was using it for exercise it would have been perfect, but that's not what I was using it for. I used my ball A LOT after Kyva was born for bouncing her while being able to sit down, and my knees were really sore PP so getting up from the slightly too small ball was annoying. And late in pregnancy getting up can be an issue anyway! So my thought would be to get one on the bigger side.

    Ditto this.  I got one based on my height, but wish I had gotten the next size up.

  • I have a green one if you think that you might want to borrow it. It's currently deflated in my closet and would be happy to lend it to you.  I could even blow it up for you on our air compressor if you don't have one.    It was a life saver at the end of my pg with Ryan (I could hardly sit I was so uncomfortable).  I also used it a ton when Ryan was a newborn...actually DH used it more.  He would wear him and then bounce.

    Natalie never needed the constant motion - well, she did but she was happy to sleep in the swing.

    Just let me know if you want to borrow it.  I think I got it from either Ross or Target.

    Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
  • CelynCelyn member
    For a birth ball (by that I mean a ball you plan to use in labor) you want one that, when it's somewhat deflated and you're sitting it it, has your thighs perpendicular with the floor with a 90 degree angle in your knees.  Most balls for exercise are measured when they're fully inflated -- you don't want to be sitting on a hard, round peak when you've got a baby descending. 
  • Looks like I'm in the minority but I preferred a smaller size because it seemed to open up my pelvis a little better (felt closer to a real squat).  I used it a lot during my last few days. We had a bunch of different sizes to try a our childbirth classes and our hospital had a range of sizes to pick from.  I think I had a larger one during my labor but I spent more time in the tub and shower so I don't really remember what size they brought me!   
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  • I used the guide I found on the Beachbody site for an exercise ball ( It said if under 5'4" to use the 55cm ball. I am 5'2" so the ball was a perfect size for me. 
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