What did your Ob's tell you about traveling while pregnant with twins? Does the 3 months before don't go farther than two hours by car move up? How much does it move up? We are wondering what to do with a vacation we have planned. We are supposed to go see my cousin who is an ob/gyn and she said it probably won't happen. The week we are talking about would be parts of weeks 20 and 21. Plan is to drive from Texas to North Carolina...
Re: Traveling?
I'd say check with your doctor. Mine let me fly up to 28 weeks as well and I really had no problem with the distance/time. (I did fly on week 28 from DC to MN for a funeral I really wanted to attend). Then only downside was the turbulence on the way back made it so the pilot wouldn't turn off the seatbelt light so I couldn't get up and use the bathroom. Eventually I did anyway but held on to the seats just to be safe
I'd asked about road trips too and my OB was not concerned though he did say it would just depend on me and where my health was at. He said the biggest concern as I got later on would be that IF there was an issue I would have to recognize I may not be able to get back to my home city and would need to remain in a hospital wherever I was. That made me uncomfortable and I have not traveled more than a few hours by car since 28 weeks.
I have traveled pretty frequently since finding out I was pregnant, although all of it has been by plane. At the beginning of my second tri I went overseas to Spain, and have done a few weekend trips by plane. This weekend will be my first and only car trip during the pregnancy (although I hate car trips and always fly when possible, even when not pregnant), but it's only about four hours and my husband will drive the entire way. At this point in the pregnancy, I would absolutely not want to drive because I get tired/distracted/uncomfortable easily and I think the four hour car ride is actually going to be a bit longer, since from 20 weeks on I go to the bathroom very frequently.
So, I would say no to a car ride at that point even. My doctor okay'd me early on to travel up to 30 weeks, but after this weekend I'm done, and I'm a pretty enthusiastic traveler. I would talk to your ob about it, but keep in mind it's not just whether or not it's safe, it's whether or not you'd be comfortable.
Thanks for asking this!
Mu husband and I are planning a babymoon to NYC- we live in CT so it would be about an 90 minute train ride. I was looking at 21 weeks or 23 weeks. I know it is only 2 weeks but I have a feeling I should we should go the earlier week. Any input?
I have an appointment with my dr on Thursday so I guess I will ask then. Good luck in your making your plans!
My doctor said I can fly up until 28 weeks as well. I'm taking a trip for my baby shower at 25 weeks (next week) which will be my last one. I flew at 21 weeks (longish flights) and had no problems at all, and wasn't uncomfortable.
As for driving, my doctor just doesn't want me getting too far from a good hospital. I would ask your doctor!