I'm 30 weeks, 5 days and while I know I have time I am starting to panic that DH & I have not decided on a boy name. We both agreed & loved a girl name but have gotten nowhere on a boy name, so of course we learn we are expecting a boy.
I strongly dislike his top name choices (Cyrus and Dominic) and he strongly dislikes my favorite choices (Theodore and Benjamin). We both like, as in can tolerate, Nicholas and Vincent so we thought maybe we would stick to those names as a compromise. Honestly though we both are not sold on those names and kept looking because it didn't feel right but we haven't turned up anything better. Two weeks ago DH brought up Mason. After getting over the Kardashian connection, I really warmed up to it. While it's not my favorite I like it and DH likes it more than Nicholas and Vincent. DH wants to make it official but I have 3 issues with the name (DH thinks these issues should not matter but I cannot get them out of my mind).
1. I'm afraid it will turn into a girls name...do you think it will turn into a unisex name?
2. While I do not mind a popular name, I do mind a trendy name...do you think Mason is becoming too trendy?
3. It does not go well with our children's very Italian names: Gabriella and Antonio...how big of an issue is this?
Sorry this is so long but I really need your advice. Taking into account the above: do you think we should go for Mason? Stick to Nicholas and Vincent? Or are there any other names that you can suggest based on our favorites? TIA.
Re: Boy name - lots of help needed - long
Sorry, Mason is getting up on my "tired of hearing" list - I think it's only going to get more popular.
Oh, and I love Nicholas and Benjamin!
Mason w/o a doubt is/will be used for girls and will be considered a trendy name from this time period. It is just not a classic name. It's nice, but if you care about that, then you should not use it.
I actually vote for Dominic. I love that name and it goes well w/ your other children. Second choice would be Nicholas but I think Dominic is much fresher while still a classic and less common.
Others: How about Matteo, Marco, Leo or Carlo...
Mason is one of my most disliked names. It sounds so weak to me. I'm not sure exactly why, but I can't stand it. And honestly, it does not go with your other two kids' names AT ALL. I think it would be strange to give one son such great, strong Italian name like Antonio and the other... Mason.
Nicholas and Vincent are both great names, but since you're obviously not crazy about either one I would keep looking. How about Lorenzo (Enzo) or Salvatore (Sal)?
With your other kids' names, I think you should definitely commit to Vincent.
Mason sounds odd with Antonio and Gabriella, and it's pretty damn trendy, too. I sort of detest this name, but that aside---it just doesn't work.
I don't really see it going unisex, but stranger things have happened. Yes, it is trendy-- very, very trendy. If only it had a weird spelling, it would be, like, the definition of trendy. No, it doesn't go with your other kids' names, but I personally don't think that matters much.
Sorry. Boy names are so hard. I don't know why they make so many nice girl names and so few good boy names.