Secondary IF

What a craptastic day, but good ending

So.  DS had a hacky cough for a week. Saturday night it got more juicy and he was all around congested.  Sunday nap, he woke up with 101.6 fever (under his arm).  Sunday night he slept like crap.

I was supposed to have a super important meeting at work today, but so was DH, but his was a conference call. I rescheduled mine for tomorrow.  10am pediatrician appt, found out poor LO has a double ear infection and a sinus infection, on top of a cold that was making him cough miserably. 

We got home at 11, and DH gave me break by taking DS at noon to get his antibx, give him his first dose, and then they went to the park bc despite his bad sleep and his dx, giving me an hour to work, get ready for my mtg that's now tomorrow.  As they came up the stairs, DH said, "it all seems to have hit him, mommy, he just got miserable."  As he handed him to me, DS puked all over me. All over. Hair, down my clothes, down the inside of my clothes, everywhere. 

We stripped, took a shower, had a little jello and applesauce, and he slept in 10 minute spurts, split up by horrible coughing spells and incomprehensible screaming wails, for about 2 hours.  Then we played a bit and DH made dinner.  All day, every.single.time he coughed, he sought out my face to cough in. Twice, he sneezed into my open mouth.

All this while, I was waiting for the RE's office to call me about my 7dpui progesterone draw. That they said they'd call me about Sunday. At noon, 2:00 latest. It was now 7pm Monday.  All I could hope was that the numbers were good, bc if they weren't, I was going to miss a couple of days of progesterone supplements. 

Thank goodness, it was 27. I think they just want it to be over 14.  So happy.

I'm about to give myself my last hCG shot and then test out the hCG in the mornings, and see if AF arrives over the weekend, and if not, test under the radar Monday, and officially on Wednesday.

Great, DH is wailing again. I'm so sorry for him, but I so need a little time to myself, not being touched, sneezed on, puked on, coughed on, etc.

Love you all!

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Re: What a craptastic day, but good ending

  • JMayJMay member
    Oh my goodness, what a crazy day for you!  And your poor LO... it's so hard to see them sick and miserable.  I hope he'll feel much better tomorrow, and stay healthy girl!
    "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

    Miracle DD born 12.2005
    TTC #2 since Dec 2008 w/ PCOS
    ***P/SAIF Always Welcome***

    Keep it Natural, Baby!
  • Oh no.  Nothing is worse than when your LO gets sick.  Hope he is on the mend now. 

    Glad to hear you progesterone # came back good.  Fingers crossed that this is your cycle.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
    "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
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  • Totally agree with PPs that there is nothing worse than when your baby gets sick.  I hope he is feeling  better today.

    So glad to hear you received good news with the progesterone, we need to celebrate every victory, big or small ;o) Wishing you all the best this cycle!

  • Poor, little guy.  Hope he feels better soon and you all can get some rest. 

    Great progesterone results!  Good luck!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    TTC #2, Operative hysteroscopy March 2011; IVF #1 long lupron protocol April 2011-cancelled due to poor response; IVF #2 flare protocol May 2011=hospitalization due to abdominal hemorrhage during ER and no fert due to MFI issues. Moving onto international adoption from Moldova January 2013!
  • Oh my what a crazy day. I'll keep my fingers crossed for a BFP for you.
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