Infertility Veterans

Anyone doing the new Weight Watchers?

How different is the new points/tracking system?
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Re: Anyone doing the new Weight Watchers?

  • I'm not sure of all the differences because I haven't done it before, but from what I've picked up it seems like all fruit and veggies are now free points, there are 29 points per day, and 49 flex points per week, and things are more points than they used to be.  I had a smart ones meal for lunch and it said the old point value was 6 and the points plus was 8.

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  • I am!  But I can't explain the difference. LOL  For me, it seems that I have a little more liberties.  My points don't go away as fast with the new way. 

    Sorry, I couldn't help more but just wanted to let you know I was doing it if you wanted a buddy! :-)

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  • me!  I love it!!!!  I lost 5 pounds the first week-and I have NEVER had a loss that big the first week...
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  • imageMrs.Voz:

    I am!  But I can't explain the difference. LOL  For me, it seems that I have a little more liberties.  My points don't go away as fast with the new way. 

    Sorry, I couldn't help more but just wanted to let you know I was doing it if you wanted a buddy! :-)


    I am looking online now to find a meeting that will work with my schedule.  I need to get these last 10 lbs off to make IVF weight but I would LOVE to lose even more.

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  • I'm currently on the new plan, but have done both. I'm not losing as much as quick as I did w/ the old plan. I'm on week 3 and have lost 5 pounds total. I'm only eating my daily points (30) and my exercise points. I usually earn 2-4 everyday. I think I'm doing good b/c I'm eating more now than I was before I started WW, just healthier food.

    The differance in the old plan vs. the new one is the way points are calculated. The new plan considers fat, carbs, protein and fiber. The old plan did not consider carbs.

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