Orange County Babies

VBAC at Saddleback?

Hello Ladies...

Has anyone had/know of someone who had a successful VBAC at Saddleback? If so, who was the OB that delivered? I am pregnant with my second and looking for a supportive OB. I went through Orange Coast Women's Medical Group last time around and I prefer to stay in that group, but I am really determined to try to deliver naturally. I am excited that Saddleback is delivering 80 percent successful VBACs and putting to rest the false/bad information about them. No scheduled C-Section for me:)

Re: VBAC at Saddleback?

  • The ICAN group of OC recently reformed. I don't go to meetings but am part of the Google group and emailed the leaders. They referred me to Dr. Han of Orange Coast Women's Medical Group. I'm not pg yet but will be TTC this year. One of the leaders recently attended the VBAC of her best friend at Saddleback with Dr. Han. I plan on scheduling a consultation with her. Also, Saddleback now offers a VBAC class.

    I have also been in touch with South Coast Midwifery who now accepts VBAC patients on a case by case basis and will be consulting with them as well. They do not practice in hospitals.

    GL, come over to the VBAC board and let us know how things go. I havn't seen anyone else from the area on the board. Lots of inspiring stories and knowledge to be found there.

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  • Thank you so so much for your info! I will definately check out the VBAC board too.
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  • Sure, good luck to you. I hope your VBAC is awesome.
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  • Dr. Kenneth James is very natural birth friendly.  He was my MW's backup dr and I did transfer to the hospital under his care.  He's ridiculously cute too.  Hehehe...But his office is in Laguna.
  • I second the recommendation for Kenneth James.  BTW, I am a Brio Birth educator and have taught other VBAC moms before.  I have a class series starting in April if you are interested.

  • I am with OCWMG also and going to try a VBAC with Dr. Martin.  He told me that as long as I am progressing then I can do a VBAC.  I hope that I am on of the 80 percent successful. 

     Congratulations and good luck with your VBAC. :)

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