Ok so Kate does have an Attention Deficit Disorder and a learning disability--Visual motor (visual processing only when you add the motor factor). I have already taken the results to her peds. The psychologist strongly suggusts medication for her. I am disappointed in that part, but if it will help her than I will do it. I am getting ready to get very knowledgable about my options for medication!
Have to say I am really pissed that my peds only does consultations on the 1st and 2nd Wednesdays of the month (which I missed for March). Kate has the CRCT test starting on April 12th and he can't see me until the 13th. ERRR is all I want to scream right now. So very aggrivating!!!! All this waiting is not very good on an OCD type of person. I hate having my control taken away! Thanks for all the kind thoughts! Mel
Re: Diagnosis
Oh Mel. Big hugs to you. I know it hurts your heart. I really do.
This is the first step - learning about the problem. Now you can take action to get some treatment for her. I totally understand your frustration about the doctors. It took me 18 months to finally get in to see a pediatric dermatologist for Ava. Carter has to wait one month to see the pedi opthomologist for his eyes. When you know something isn't right, you just want to start taking action to "fix" the issue and it's so hard to be told you have to wait.
Be mindful in doing your research that what you read on the internet is a lot of worse case scenerios. And they can get you really worked up and upset. So take it in stride and use the next couple of days to sort out your thoughts and feelings.
I know for me I feel a world of difference in how to tackle Carter's vision today compared to how i felt on Friday.
Thinking of you.
Big Hugs! Getting answers is the first step in the right direction. Sometimes heartbreaking but also you know in your Mommy gut you are doing the right thing.
I've heard of people doing special diets which help ...like Gluten Free and such. I don't have any details but it may be interesting to look up while you are waiting for your appointment. Which stinks ...been there way too many times. Just don't let it posses you. It is not worth your energy. Email me if you want to talk.
Mommy to Abigail Elizabeth (11/4/11) and Brady Jasper (7/2/09)
my blog
I'm glad you got a diagnosis so now she can get the help she needs. I'm sorry about the pedi situation though. I know that is incredibly frustrating!
Abigail Taylor 09.18.2008
Glad you got some answers. I feel for you on the meds but at least you have the peace of mind knowing there is a quality diagnosis with a proper course of treatment.
Is there really no two ways about it with her pedi appointment? I would hope that they might consider seeing her sooner rather than later since she has CRCT testing coming up. Good luck! Keep us posted with how things progress.
I'm glad you got some answers, even if you are still in the waiting game. At least you have time to do some research to bring with you to the doctors appointment.
Keep us posted.
I'm glad that you got some answers.
Did your school choose to move forward with an IEP or 504 plan? For her to get any sort of accommodations long term, you will need to have one written.
OK I can only give you advice from a person who has ADD. I was diagnosed in 6 grade and that is when I went to St Joe's. I went to St Joe's due to the smaller class size and they were able to give me my meds during the day.
But from someone who has gone through all of this all I can say is that you need to stay on top of her. Once you figure out what studying skills works for her then you need to stick with it. Don't be afraid of tutors. They help us stay on track. There will be a lot of tears but this will only make her grow stronger.
HS I went back to public (pope HS). HS I was in team taught classes and was able to take test untimed. This helped with the anxiety I had. I always wanted to learn and I would always do my homework on time. But I do have to say there was only a few of us in that class and the kids that didn't want to do anything and wanted to be losers were in there too. But it is the value that my parents gave me that made me the person I am today.
I did get to go to college. UTC (Tennessee Chattanooga) is one of the best college's in the South for learning disability kids. They provide you tutors and you get to take your test untimed. It was the only way I could get a degree and achieve in life.
I don't think I have ever talked about it here before about all my issues but if you EVER need advice please ask me. I will tell you what worked for me and what didn't.
Your a great mom and you can do this. I always have the fear that I would pass this along with my children. But if I was able to succeed in life I know they can too:)!
Also I am here if you ever need me to talk to Katie to give her encouragement:)