Cloth Diapering

Diaper rash :(

LO had to take antibiotics for the first time and it has given him diarrhea which has given him horrible diaper rash.


I got some California baby cream which is supposed to be ok on cloth, but I haven?t seen a whole lot of improvement on the rash. I don?t want to switch to sposies, but I?ll have to if this doesn?t get better.


I read that some people have used aquaphor and rubbed it in really well and their diapers have been ok.


We use BG 4.0 & AIO. Any recommendations?

Re: Diaper rash :(

  • I use Triple Paste with a fleece liner. It heals everything, even the nasty poo-induced rashes.

    Sometimes if I'm just putting a light layer on, I don't even bother with a liner....


  • I swear by Aveeno and a fleece liner
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  • Can you go naked?  Do you have an area that's hard surfaced that you can let your LO poo on?

    Long tepid baths...

    When it gets bad enough, I just use whatever works regardless of its affect on the CD.  I can always strip 'em later. 

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  • Zinc Oxcide is the only thing that helps a tough rash for us.
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  • DD had a bad one last week and I added a liner, but then my pedi suggested hydrocortizone cream and it cleared right up and did not harm the diapers.
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