Cloth Diapering

CD emergency :(

Well... somebody put a sposie in my wetbag.


I unknowingly washed it, and nasty chemical beady/foamy sh!t from the disposable diaper is ALL OVER the washer and my diapers. Are they all ruined? I don't even know what to do, I could cry. There were like 8 HH in there along with GMD fitteds. Eff. 

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Re: CD emergency :(

  • I don't think they're ruined, but I really have no idea?  I'd probably throw them all in your tub and rinse them out or spray them off, then rewash?  Maybe strip them just to be extra safe?  Yikes, what a mess, I'm so sorry!
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  • huh. I washed a disposable once (with clothes) and the only thing that happened was everything got covered with tiny bits of paper. I used a lint roller and then rewashed and put through the drier, which took care of most of it.

    I'd rewash a time or two, and maybe strip the GMDs?

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  • GBCKGBCK member

     you can drown the SPA pellets...they have a limit to how much they can absorb...

    they'll aslo quit absorbing and wash away w/ salt water...which probably isn't helpful, huh, because you don't want salty diapers.


  • I doubt they are ruined.  I woudl clean out the washer and soak the diapers in the tub to try to get as much off as possible then rewash.  I don't think you will need to strip unless you notice any weird rashes or repelling.
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