I visited a cloth diaper store recently and they were very helpful. I walked away convinced it would be best (based on their recs. and yours) to start with prefolds and then to use Thirsties covers...I like how they have a double leg gusset. Then I was deciding between BumGenius 4.0 and Grovia. I liked the soft felt like front near the belly of the Grovia and how the inserts snap in. I like how the BumGenius look a lot like a regular diaper. However, after checking reviews I noticed FuzzyBunz have an adjustable leg gusset. I think I am going to have to go back because I can't remember how they feel and how Huggibunz feel...can't remember why I didn't consider them. Anyone have any thoughts on any of these? Finally, CharlieBanana gets good reviews online and seems to have some nice features...they don't carry these at the store I was at so I don't know how they feel, etc. What are your thoughts?
Praying this little one sticks!
Re: Getting Started
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
For starters, we use prefolds and covers (Thirsties and Blueberries - both have leg gussets) during the day exclusively. We've done it since we started CDing, and it still works great for us. At night we use fitted diapers with hemp inserts.
I don't know much about Grovia, but I know a lot of moms swear by BG. I bought one BG and 1 FB and had to sell the BG because my DD has a sensitivity to the suedecloth that the lining is made of. I adore my FB, but rarely use them because of the nightmare that microfiber inserts can be. When we DO use them, I stuff them with a premium prefold and some hemp.
I'd get several things and try them out. Sell what you don't like.
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Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet