Cloth Diapering

Non-clicky poll: when were you born and what kind of diapers did you have?

I posted this on the 9-12 and PAL boards, because I'm kind of curious to read the replies. (Kind of goes along with my previous post..)

In a conversation with MIL this weekend, she was telling me that she used sposies on DH, who was born in '73, and that was the norm at that time (i.e. that it was "weird" for people to use CDs), AND that they were so cheap it was cheaper than CDs. I am dubious of the first part, and I definitely don't believe the second part (b/c even now, with sposies about as cheap as they've ever been, CDs are cheaper). 

I also don't believe that they were cheaper b/c my mom used CDs in '78 when I was born and we were super poor. There is no way she was using CDs for any other reason than $$$ (when my sister was born 10 years later and we had more money, she gladly used sposies).

I was under the impression that sposies didn't become the "standard" until late '70s, early 80s. Most of my friends were CDed, and not all of them were as poor as we were, and none of them had crazy hippies for parents :)

My MIL is a sweet lady, but she's been having some memory problems lately, and now I'm just curious (FIL probably remembers, but he's too nice to call her out in front of all of us!) I'm interested to hear what you have to say (feel free not to share your actual birth year - just a "range" will do!)

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Re: Non-clicky poll: when were you born and what kind of diapers did you have?

  • 1980. i was cd'd. mostly due to money but also due to concerns over chemicals.

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
  • My husband and I were both CD (he was born mid 70s and I was born early 80s).  I'm sure it was because both of our families were young and didn't have much money.

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  • I was born in '83 (with sisters born in '80 and '86) and my mom CD'd all of us. We were very poor then too. Prefolds, pins, and plastic pants were definitely cheaper!
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  • I was born in 1986. My parents did a diaper service with me for a while, and then they ended up switching to sposies. They both insisted that CDs would be a PITA and I shouldn't bother. My mom, who watches DD, loves her CDs now! 
  • My twin sister and I wre CD'd in the late 70's due $$$.  My MIL CD'd DH at that time and said that sposies were really pricey.
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  • I had CDs until I had a really bad rash as a toddler and the doctor insisted that my mom switch to disposables to cure it. She had more money with my siblings. It was entirely a $$$ decision. I was born in '79.

    When I told her I was going to CD she told me LO would get rashes (nope) -- and now she says the rash was probably not the diaper,  but the grape juice I was drinking at the time. Also, during her most recent visit, she admitted that my CDs were super adorable.

    ETA: She said that I wore flats with pins and plastic pants. 

  • I was born in 1985 and my mom used disposable.  I was also formula fed and my mom had a horrible gag reflex... she said she had a hard enough time changing my diaper much less washing them.  Maybe she would have done something different if I was breastfed.  Stupid doctors thinking that being a preemie and jaundice made it too hard to breastfeed...
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  • 1982.

    My mom used sposies mainly.  She did CD me for awhile per pedi's rec since I was having skin issues.  She loves that I CD DD.

  • This is interesting. My mom tried pampers on me, but I was allergic. We were dirt poor, so now I'm wondering why she wanted to use them. She used cds after I had a terrible allergic reaction. I was born in 1979. She still has some of my prefolds that she uses as dust rags! Lol!
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  • Both DH and I were born mid 80's and were both cloth diapered. We each have 4 siblings, and they were all cloth diapered also. Both of our mothers were pretty granola though.
    sam & arlo 

  • 1980.  My older brother and I were CD'd (apparently my mom used flats, pins, and rubber pants for my older brother and had the luxury of prefolds for me).  By the time my younger brother arrived, she was busy/frazzled enough that she gladly used disposables.  I think she has some mild residual guilt about this (she's very environmentally conscious), but at the time felt it was necessary for her sanity.

    What I thought was interesting was that when she visited after DS was born, and was helping with his diaper, she commented that she had never used cloth wipes. She said it had never occurred to her.  So apparently even though older brother and I were CD'd, she used disposable wipes on us.

    For what it's worth, we were also all three BF'd in an era when FFing was the norm (my mom's fairly crunchy).

    I'm pretty sure DH and his sister were both CD'd and BF'd.  His family was dirt poor, though, and I think that's why.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I was born in 81, my brother in 77 and DH in 82.  All of us were in disposables, though my dad said my brother was a heavy wetter and they used to use cloth under sposies at night.  My mom thought it was great I used CDs.
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  • '81 and cloth for money saving. Only the 4th child in '86 wore half cloth half disposables.
  • 1977 - CD


    Mom said CD was the norm where we lived. 

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  • I was born in '87 and both my older brother and I had CDs. DH was born in '78 and wore sposies. Oddly enough my parents were probably more financially secure than DH's parents at the time, but my parents are very frugal. So it was probably for $$ savings, but my mom was very APish (EBF for 18 months, co slept, made our baby food, SAHM, etc), while DHs mom FF, worked and did not co sleep. My mom does act like CDs were the norm in the mid-late 80s. So I think it was more a lifestyle thing.
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  • I was born in 79 and I was cloth diapered until I was one, but only because I was sensitive to the diapers (my mom said she couldn't even use a cover over the prefolds).  She couldn't wait to use disposables.  I'm sure CDing was much cheaper.

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  • I just called my mom and asked her because I had no idea what she used. I was born in 1983 and she said she used cloth at first. When she got pregnant with my sister she decided to switch to sposies because she felt she wouldn't have enough time to deal with cloth with 2 under two.

    My MIL used sposies on DH who was born in 1980. She said it was the popular option at that time. She said later in 84 when she had my SIL it became popular to do a diaper service for the newborn stage, and after that she switched to sposies with her too.

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  • 1981 and sposies!
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  • I was born in 82 and my sister 84 and we were both cd because it was cheaper!
  • I was born in 79 and my mom used disposables.  She was a working woman for years before I was born and I think she had the $ and it might have been more of a status symbol at the time.  She seems a little bit ashamed of the decision now.  She was pretty crunchy in every other decision she made regarding my sister and I (EBF for a year, made all my baby food and made some of my clothes, etc...) so it didn't really follow suit.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker BFP#1 10/26/09 EDD 7/4/10 Beautiful Baby Boy born 2 weeks late 7/16/10 BFP#2 8/23/11 EDD 5/11/12 Natural Miscarriage @ 6 weeks BFP#3 5/22/12 EDD 2/10/13 Stick Baby!
  • 1970 and my mom CDed us. I remember playing near by while she and my aunt sat at the kitchen table when I was very, very young about 'sposies and what a waste it was to buy a diaper to just throw away!!!
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  • imageluckybride1128:
    My mom does act like CDs were the norm in the mid-late 80s. So I think it was more a lifestyle thing.

    I think this may be a big part of her perception. DH had both parents who were well established in good careers and they used sposies and he was FF (she said no one encouraged BFing, and her Dr said FF was better!) Most of their friends were also upper middle class like them, so it probably was the norm in their circle.

    I had a single mom who dropped out of college when she found out she was PG, and we lived with my grandparents for the first year until she was able to get her own place and start college again, so I was CD'd and BF'd.

    I guess it just depends on how you were raised - most people feel like their own lifestyle is "the norm" I think. (She's still crazy about the cheaper part, though!)

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
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  • Me - 73 and CD

    My brother was born in 80 and I remember my mom using CDs on him when he was really little.  I have memories of her rinsing poop in the toilet ;-)   I'm pretty sure he was in sposies when he was toddling around.

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  • 1982 and I was CD'd for $$$ reasons.
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  • My sisters were born in 70 and 73. I was born in 77.  My mom used CDs, but she switched over to sposies because she got free trials for filling out questionnaires.  She loved the sposies and would also buy a pack or two to supplement the free ones.  I am not sure with which of us that happened, but I get the impression she used a mix of the two-CDs and sposies- for all of us.
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  • Both DH and I were born in the early 80s and we were both cloth diapered due to money reasons.  Both my mom & my MIL are telling me what a pain it is and that I should just use sposies.  Oh, and my mom is insisting that I must have a wet pail.  Times sure have changed!
  • My older sister (1977) & I (1980) were CD because she was allergic to the sposies. My younger sister (1982) was in sposies. DH (1979) was in cloth but I have no idea why. His siblings were born in '62, '63 & 71. Maybe she was just used to it.

  • I was born in '87 and around here CDs were the norm.  DH was born in '83 and MIL used CDs on him because he was allergic to disposables. 
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  • I was born in '78 and my mom used sposies on both me and my brother who was born in '81.  My MIL says she thinks she used cloth and sposies on DH, but doesn't remember anything about CDing?   
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  • I was born in '81 and my mom used sposies. MIL CD DH and his twin brother in '80 but his siblings born in 83 and 86 were in sposies...MIL tried to talk us out of CD so many times saying what a pain they were.
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  • GBCKGBCK member

    my folks had a service when bigsis was born in 76

    I was allergic to 'sposies, so in 78, I was cloth.

    Sposies completely for baby-sis--my mom was doing childcare at the time and daycare kids = sposies so I think that was a contributing factor.


    (ETA, talking to dad today...he said he hated toilets and tong combos for diapers...he's happy about ploppable buffy poo :)

  • I was born in 1986 and my mom used cloth for the first 9 months, and she cloth diapered my sister in '88 for I think 6 months. Disposables were becoming more of the norm then, but she did it to save money. I know some of my friends were cloth diapered too, but not many.
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    BFP 6/22/14, Scheduled c/s 2/23/15, It's a Girl!!  

  • imageepona3:

    My mom does act like CDs were the norm in the mid-late 80s. So I think it was more a lifestyle thing.

    I think this may be a big part of her perception. DH had both parents who were well established in good careers and they used sposies and he was FF (she said no one encouraged BFing, and her Dr said FF was better!) Most of their friends were also upper middle class like them, so it probably was the norm in their circle.

     Me- 1984My parents were well off and I was FF and my mom used sposies.

    My mom actually got a shot to stop her milk production so she wouldn't "be stuck" breast feeding me.  She only BF my older sister for a while because she was afraid of the shot.

    DH- 1975 He was BF and CD. His parents were very poor, but his mom is also crunchy (we get along well!)


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  • imageepona3:

    My mom does act like CDs were the norm in the mid-late 80s. So I think it was more a lifestyle thing.

    I think this may be a big part of her perception. DH had both parents who were well established in good careers and they used sposies and he was FF (she said no one encouraged BFing, and her Dr said FF was better!) Most of their friends were also upper middle class like them, so it probably was the norm in their circle.

    I had a single mom who dropped out of college when she found out she was PG, and we lived with my grandparents for the first year until she was able to get her own place and start college again, so I was CD'd and BF'd.

    I guess it just depends on how you were raised - most people feel like their own lifestyle is "the norm" I think. (She's still crazy about the cheaper part, though!)

    True, but the "circle" in my mom's perception could have been her circle of crunchy sisters and friends, not necessarily less well-off. Like I stated in my post, my parents were pretty financially stable. They were college-educated and in their early thirties, but I was just trying to make a point that it doesn't have to be entirely money-driven. I'm sure part of it was for cost savings, but my mom mostly didn't want chemicals on her babies' bums. But obviously there's no debating that your MIL is mistaken about sposies being cheaper. :)
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  • imageluckybride1128:

    My mom does act like CDs were the norm in the mid-late 80s. So I think it was more a lifestyle thing.

    I think this may be a big part of her perception. DH had both parents who were well established in good careers and they used sposies and he was FF (she said no one encouraged BFing, and her Dr said FF was better!) Most of their friends were also upper middle class like them, so it probably was the norm in their circle.

    I had a single mom who dropped out of college when she found out she was PG, and we lived with my grandparents for the first year until she was able to get her own place and start college again, so I was CD'd and BF'd.

    I guess it just depends on how you were raised - most people feel like their own lifestyle is "the norm" I think. (She's still crazy about the cheaper part, though!)

    True, but the "circle" in my mom's perception could have been her circle of crunchy sisters and friends, not necessarily less well-off. Like I stated in my post, my parents were pretty financially stable. They were college-educated and in their early thirties, but I was just trying to make a point that it doesn't have to be entirely money-driven. I'm sure part of it was for cost savings, but my mom mostly didn't want chemicals on her babies' bums. But obviously there's no debating that your MIL is mistaken about sposies being cheaper. :)

    Oops, I guess I missed that part! I see what you're saying though - different circles can have different perceptions of "normal." It is so interesting to read all these answers!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • I was born in 76 and was CDed for $$ reasons with pins, prefolds, and Gerber pants (as was my older brother, born in 75).  My younger brother who was born in 80 was CDed as well.  My youngest brother (84) started out in CDs, but was diagnosed with cancer when he was a year old and my mom switched to disposables because of all the time he was in the hospital (which thankfully cured him).
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  • Both my sister and I were cloth diapered. '86 & '90.

    My mom had to CD me because I was actually allergic to the chemicals in the disposables. And then she CDed my sister because she preferred it.

    DH ('86) and all 9 of his siblings were CDed (Yes DH is the youngest of 10...yikes!). The older ones were CDed because that was the norm, but I think they kept up with it for the younger ones because it was just what they were used to.

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  • '82 and sposies because my mom thought cloth and pins were a pain. 
  • I was born in 1968. Mom used disposables on me, mostly because she didn't have her own washer and dryer.

    My brother was born in 1972. My mom used CDs on him for his first year, because they had just gotten a washer and dryer. Note this was the era of flats/PFs and rubber pants, and she stopped doing it after a year because it was a PITA. With my squirmy 1yo, I can relate.

    My baby brother was born in 1975. Mom claims she only used disposables, but I distinctly remember diapers soaking in the toilet for a time, I think to treat a diaper rash he had. They were a short term deal.

    Disposables were way before the late 70s.

  • imageepona3:

    My mom does act like CDs were the norm in the mid-late 80s. So I think it was more a lifestyle thing.

    I think this may be a big part of her perception. DH had both parents who were well established in good careers and they used sposies and he was FF (she said no one encouraged BFing, and her Dr said FF was better!) Most of their friends were also upper middle class like them, so it probably was the norm in their circle.

    I had a single mom who dropped out of college when she found out she was PG, and we lived with my grandparents for the first year until she was able to get her own place and start college again, so I was CD'd and BF'd.

    I guess it just depends on how you were raised - most people feel like their own lifestyle is "the norm" I think. (She's still crazy about the cheaper part, though!)

    True, but the "circle" in my mom's perception could have been her circle of crunchy sisters and friends, not necessarily less well-off. Like I stated in my post, my parents were pretty financially stable. They were college-educated and in their early thirties, but I was just trying to make a point that it doesn't have to be entirely money-driven. I'm sure part of it was for cost savings, but my mom mostly didn't want chemicals on her babies' bums. But obviously there's no debating that your MIL is mistaken about sposies being cheaper. :)

    Oops, I guess I missed that part! I see what you're saying though - different circles can have different perceptions of "normal." It is so interesting to read all these answers!

    It is soo interesting.  Your OP actually made me remember something about the visit to the in-laws today.  I mentioned how babies are often PT'ed earlier with CDs than with disposables.  My FIL said "Is that because the parents are trying to cut the water bill with all the diaper laundry?"  Hmm  If money were the reason behind it, sposie-wearing kids would be PT'ed earlier to cut costs.  I just thought it was so weird that he thought the water bill would exceed the cost of disposables.  Looks like both our in-laws have the costs of CDs vs. sposies flip-flopped!  

    Sorry, I tried to cut out some of the quotes but I kept messing it up!

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